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There is a girl i really like, shes 15, im also 15 going on 16. I went out with her before but then we broke up and its been a few months. after she broke up it was tough to get over it but i finally did, i still like her but i started to move on with my life in all. We are still good friends and talk all the time, and she often well, gushes, about how she likes a few other guys. She says she is very confused, all my friends and her friends tell me that she will end up going out with me again becuase she likes me or something, i get mixed singals, she flirts with me alot still but at other times she seems a little distant. When she was telling me who she liked, she named four guys, and was about to name a fifth then suddenly stopped and said that was it. im trying to be a friend and tell her that she should date whoever she feels happiest with, or just dont date anyone and that theres nothign wrong with that. Basically my question is should i stop watching on the sidelines and try to get back out with her or should i just wait until shes finally out of her confusion and infatuations.

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shes testing you. it seems obvious shes still into you. dont let her know that she can still have you. for now let her go on...shes just using all this to try n get you jealous. but at the same time flirt with her, give her what she gives you. flirt yet tell her about all the hot gilrs you check. ya no??

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wow i think goddess23 nailed it... in that situation either ur gonna get driven up the wall by listening to what she says and allowing urself to be jealous or ur gonna rebuttle and tell her about all the other girls that you think are hot or good looking or whatever and that makes her jealous... im experiencing that right now lol...ive allowed myself to be infatuated with this girl for about 3 years and she never wanted anything to do with me other than just be friends.. and we got close and whatever... but lol now ive been haning out with a different girl and im taking her to the prom and everything... and i really think that the other girl is getting jealous... cuz she now tells me everyday that she "loves me" in a playful manner ya know... nothing serious... and she always gives me hugs... every time i see her she gives me a hug now lol... and i just think that its funny cuz as soon as i backed off its like she said o no im gonna let this guy get away and now shes trying to get me back so to speak lol.. so i would do that... just tell her about other girls and how you like them... even if you really dont cuz its gonna make her jealous and shes gonna want you back more than likely...

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ok here is how it looks to me....she aint confused, she knows what she wants and what she wants is you but she is waiting for you to make a move so dude just go for it and trust me you will get her...its not that she is sending you mixed signals its just your are recieving them the wrong way thats the reason why she wont say the 5th guy cause she knows you know its you but to shy say it so just go for it and you will end up with her just dont be afraid aight man later peace in the middle east rain in spain holla bak at the godfather

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lmao, buddy im a GIRL, i know this stuff. i know how i feel--what keeps me interested in my ex is the game as ridiculous as that sounds. yet we do need SOMETHING to go on. she isnt "confused" she does like you but she is confused on whether she wants to go there...do that relationship thing all over again. she likes you but shes probably not sure if she likes you enough to give it another shot. right now you gotta play it cool. my ex and i recently go back and how...6 months of very little. yet enough to keep us both wondering. you need that time to learn. trust me.

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yea i figured she still did, i almost ask this other girl out and she said she was glad i didnt, never told me why when i asked, but i kinda knew it. And she often asks who i like, i use to always say her, then one time sometime after we broke up i said i did, but i was trying not to in all, ya know, becuase i wanted to move on, she gave me an example of how her friend liked this one guy, but he never liked her, but now he likes her and they are going out. I said "so does that mean we might go out sometime" she was like "nononono" then said "well, i dont know"

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yes i feel that the reason she broke up with me the first time was because i think i kinda rushed things just a little bit, and spent alot of time with her, and she got 'bored' as most girls do. but now i think it hit her "you dont miss something till its gone" and if we do end up getting back together if all you guys are right (which i hope you are lol) i think i will learn from my previous mistakes. i havnt had a chance to talk to her since tuesday, so i dont know whats goin on but i will see her tomorrow when we go bowling for a friends birthday. should i let her beat me

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