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i very much agree with miguel... i dont have alot of girl friends .. stories behind that .. but i have had and still do have alot of gy friends and believe me when i say that alot of them really dont care about it.. i mean they dont wany misquito bits buts but hey beggers cant be chosers right... an athletic build is awesome you wanna know y.. bc in most cases the women who have had kids and still look sexy are the atletic built ones.. bc they where fit before hand and after they know what they are doin so they know how to look the same... workin out doesnt mean skinny.. it means muscle and strength and healtiness.. if u dont want large breats or are sick of ppl looking at them and want to smallen them or get them firmer or whathave you .. work out im tellin you... i had bigger boobs and then i started to work out my upper body.. dont do massive amounts of wieghts but like start off with 5 lbs and stay with 10 the more reps you do with less wight the more cut and fit you are but if u try to go bigger all the time youll get bulkier ..... but hey if you in the ct area i ahv alot of guy friends that are lookin for nice girls cuz all they can find is skeezers..... and whether guys like to admit it like miguel or not.... they really strive on personality and if u meet the ones that dont then those are the ones that cant commit or dont want to ... good luck hun if u need any one to talk to im hear....

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a dream guy / dream girl is some that has all or most of what ur expecting or looking for but most of all ur dream person is someone that is willig to stand by you in all that u do and never stop you from reaching ur goals, they are someone who is willing and not afraid to make changes with you, they are some one who is there to make you happy when u are sad and who is there to give you confidence in ur self.... you will find your dont you worry

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idk, i really thing that the huge boobs are a very big turn off. very repulsive. really, there is no perfect one size for all women. the boobs have to be proportional. way to huge like DD's and E's usualy look kinda fat and oversized. there is this prep in my grade (8) who probably has at least D's, maybe larger. they are so ugly, make her look fat. hope this helps and good luck

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hey quick question for u guys... if they are soo ugly then y do u guys drool all over pron stars and paly boy bunnies.... they all have fake big/enormous boobs..... so then its ok for me to say that u dont look at pron have have girl pics onur wall eh jacbson.... u guys contradict ur selfs all the time....

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As long as the breast are not fake (unless the girl had breast cancer or was basicaly flat chested or had something happen that miss shaped them) and go with the frame of the body I don't really care all that much with the size of a girls breast. Anything past C is a bit to big for me, but that doesn't mean I won't go out with the girl. And as long as she is not that over weight for her frame I will be most likely attracted to her.


As far as what attracts me to a girl, I would have to say the first thing is what she is wearing (meaning her clothes make my eyes "glue" to her). Then the way she carries her self. If she carries her self with confindence I most likely will try to talk to her and if I like her personality and has reasonable intellengce (I am not shallow, I seem to run into girls that don't seem to know a whole lot), then I will go out with her.

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Sorry Dre_7, not from experience, unfortunately.


Don't be bitter. Meeting that right person takes time. If you want to find him or her, you'll have to open yourself to that person you think could be it. Sometimes we'll be work and that will bring pain. But when we do find the right person, all that pain will be gone and the joy you'll be left with is greater than you've ever imagined.


As for the dream guy/girl not exixting because what you want changes, what is it that you want? I think that if you focus on the important things then those wants don't change. Things like someone who understands you, will be there for you, is supportive and compassionate. If thats what you are seeking, don't change for anything or anyone. Eventually you will find it and be happier for it.

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Sorry Dre_7, not from experience, unfortunately.


Don't be bitter. Meeting that right person takes time. If you want to find him or her, you'll have to open yourself to that person you think could be it. Sometimes we'll be work and that will bring pain. But when we do find the right person, all that pain will be gone and the joy you'll be left with is greater than you've ever imagined.


As for the dream guy/girl not exixting because what you want changes, what is it that you want? I think that if you focus on the important things then those wants don't change. Things like someone who understands you, will be there for you, is supportive and compassionate. If thats what you are seeking, don't change for anything or anyone. Eventually you will find it and be happier for it.


Hmm, I agree that you have to know what you want in a person, physically and even more so personality-wise. There are alot of relatively good looking people out there, so to differentiate our dream girl/guy from the crowd, I believe one has to know what they want that person to be to them. I mean everyday I go out, I see girls that I'm attracted to so I know I'm not overly picky lol. However, not every girl has the right personality, so I agree with you shysoul about the more underlying personality traits.


And as for meeting the right person, I believe it takes time. But there's no specific time frame, it could happen tomorrow, next week, next month etc. You just have to know what you want, and that'll keep you motivated to keep looking for the one. I was talking to my mom about it, and she just told me never give up on finding someone. It's hard and it can be difficult, but nothing worthwhile will just fall in your lap, and good things do come to those who wait.

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I know that we should all be patient and wait for that special person to come to us. But what happens if that person is right infront of you and you think that they are the one you want to be with, but there is nothing that you can really do about it? I like a guy a lot but I don't think there is much chance of anything happening....how do you just try and put someone that amazing out of your mind and continue to seek out other people?? Waiting just seems so hopeless sometimes you know?

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It depends on the circumstances. If there is some legitiment reason you can't be together - like he is with someone else - then you have to respect it and wait for something else. You'll just have to ride out the feeling until either you can be together or until they fade away. If there is the possibility of being together, I say take a chance. You don't know if it's ment to be unless you try.


Yes, it does seem hopeless at times. But in the end things work out. To quote another song, "what is ment to be will always find a way."

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Lola, I don't think you should wait for the person to come to you. I think waiting means patience in finding the right one whether you go to them or they come to you. But chances are if you wait around and don't try, nothing will happen. So if you think there's a chance. Better to make sure than to live in doubt.

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Waiting means having patience for the opportunity to present itself and not giving up on love. But when the opportunity arises, you have to take it or nothing will happen and you'll always wonder what could have been.


My thoughts exactly shysoul.

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I prefer curvacious women with nice (not small) butt.

Breats size does not matter at all.


But. I noticed that females who were lucky to get large breasts

got hit by guys a lot, and since those guys are quite superficial, the women got hurt a lot. What we have: many women with large breasts could be bitter about guys. So I exercise caution when talking such females. Statistically speaking I prefer sombody with a regular breasts since they are not hit by guys that much and tend to have less bitterness.

I would rather choose a girl with a nice curvy butt since I like it a lot and not many guys go for it: many many guys like super slim girls and I don't understand why.

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breasts do not equal instant attraction, I don't think a woman would have negative attitudes towards men stemming from the fact that she has larger breasts, there's no direct or indirect correlation. They're just a body part, like a nose, eyes, ears and lips. Maybe some guys who like larger breasts are superficial, but the same argument could be made against you al7 for having a preference for a certain typr of butt. I think with women, the wholistic picture is more important than any single body part. As for me, I like pretty girls that make me smile when I see them, that's attraction. When you see someone and you can't help but smile.

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1. I don't think a woman would have negative attitudes towards men stemming from the fact that she has larger breasts,

there's no direct or indirect correlation.


2. They're just a body part, like a nose, eyes, ears and lips.


3. Maybe some guys who like larger breasts are superficial, but the same argument could be made against you al7 for having a preference for a certain typr of butt.


1. How do you know? Just gueassing right?

Have you met many female with large breasts and all of them were easyoing?

In my experience they got hit a lot by superficial aggressive guys, gut hurt and develop more bitter attitde toward men. It is not about evety woman of course it is just statistics in terms of "most women who have large breasts" thing.


2. If you have a huge ears you would get a funny image. And guys with huge ear tend to be either more shy or more bitter too. Think about it.


3. I don't care, in my vocabulary words do not have bad connotation.

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1. I don't think a woman would have negative attitudes towards men stemming from the fact that she has larger breasts,

there's no direct or indirect correlation.


2. They're just a body part, like a nose, eyes, ears and lips.


3. Maybe some guys who like larger breasts are superficial, but the same argument could be made against you al7 for having a preference for a certain typr of butt.


1. How do you know? Just gueassing right?

Have you met many female with large breasts and all of them were easyoing?

In my experience they got hit a lot by superficial aggressive guys, gut hurt and develop more bitter attitde toward men. It is not about evety woman of course it is just statistics in terms of "most women who have large breasts" thing.


2. If you have a huge ears you would get a funny image. And guys with huge ear tend to be either more shy or more bitter too. Think about it.


3. I don't care, in my vocabulary words do not have bad connotation.


As a woman who does have larger breasts (and have had so since I was 13 or 14), I would say that this is a HUGE generalization you are making!


Sure I got hit on by men, but I also got hit on by men who found other parts of me attractive too or instead (butt, waist, entire package!). I have had men hit on me "just because" I was there, or because I had a shared interest. Because I smiled at them.


I have also had some great, long term healthy relationships. I know lots of other women with large breasts who are easygoing women too...and many who have small breasts who aren't!


Women of ALL types get hit on by superficial, aggressive guys, whether that makes them bitter or not depends on their whole experience, their attitude, their maturity, the way they put situations into context (do they laugh bad experiences off, or do they let it make them bitter?)


And..what someone is self conscious about is not necessarily what you THINK they might be. For example I know and dated a guy with big ears. They stood out. But guess what, he was not self conscious about his ears at all - it was his head he was self conscious about as he thought it was funny shaped! But all I am saying is just because you think something sticks out they might not consider it something to be self conscious about!

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I hoped you got that I didn't mean you. Or "all women with large breasts".

It is about "most likely case"and statistics.


Look, if a girl has large breasts.. she cannot hide them ok...

guy noticed those. What do you think guys would think about collecting stamps then? Large breasts is additional attraction, so more guys hit on these type of women. Who what kinda of guys would hit on a women because she has large breast? a bit insolent, bold and who do not htink much, again - "most likely", not every guys is like that.

So these women have to deal with lots of aggressive less thinking guys.

Eventually she might think "oh all guys are like that"... which might make her more bitter than other average sized women.

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Eventually she might think "oh all guys are like that"... which might make her more bitter than other average sized women.


No, I knew you did not mean ALL (or me specifically), just trying to say that women get hit on for all reasons..sometimes no reason at all other than they are female!


Anyway, I don't think she would think all guys are like that unless she has no exposure to other men at all. Most women also work with other men, have brothers, friends, and some relationships too, who are men and would be able to know not ALL men are like that.

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I prefer a tiny girl with small to medium sized breasts, like a good little handful lol. That's my ideal woman! Although, there's a lot more to it than just the size of a womans breasts...you've gotta like the whole person or it aint going nowhere.

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Yeah I like tiny women about 2 inches shorter than me boobs don't matter, anything but big they make the girl look uneven and she walks down the street like every guy would be like "DAYYYUMMM" lol. I don't know why it matters so much though. Oh yeah and if there implants, that looks really unattractive.

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