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okay, im really confused..me n my boyfriend broke up about a month ago...i cheated on him while we were going up but i told him. it was a mistake n i wish i could take it back and he forgave me and we were still together. plus, he always told me how he never felt this way towards any other girl but me, he loved me. i was going through a lot of depression so he was sumthin stable and hard for me to hold onto..something real. but i just couldnt keep lying to my mom, so i broke up with him, thinking we would stil be good friends. but i was wrong. he ignored me, wouldnt talk to me, and he started smoking n selling a lot of illegal drugs. i was heartbroken because he told me he would stop doing that while we were going out. so i felt betrayed. it went on for a month acting like we didnt speak to each other. i never felt so depressed n i started thinking of suicide all over again. i cried all the time but finally one of his friends (he liked me) called me from my ex's house n i was all happy because i thought it was my ex. me n my ex started talking and then we were playin around n i told him 2 go suck a lemon n he told me to go suck the guy i cheated on him with. i started crying n hung up because he would always put me down when we were going out. he called a while later n apologized n i forgave him. then we started playin our favorite game 21 Questions. he asked me if i still cared for him n i said it didnt matter now since he had a new girlfriend. he told me he still loved me n always thought of me everyday. he broke up with her 2 try 2 get back with me. we talk everyday but i dont know what to do. i care for him but not like he does me. i dont know wut to tell him because i lead him on like a lot. im scared i dont wanna lose him but i dont wanna be with him either...i wanna get over him n move on 2 like sum1..help me someone please!

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Hey shady,


I think it's best to keep a bit more distance between you and your ex. You can be friends, but you have to be really honest to him and tell him you can't get back together with him. If he needs some space, or some time not seeing you, it's ok. You can always try and be friends once this tension is 'faded'.


take care,



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