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Ex pregnant/ Current girlfriend worried

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Well, it's been a while since I've last been here. I remember recieving great advice on my situation and its helped a lot.


Long story short...


My ex is pregnant and it MIGHT be mine.


My girlfriend isn't really worried about that. She's more worried about the fact that I'll magically run back to my ex because of a child. A child has nothing to do with the way two people feel about each other. That's a whole other level.


I'm completely done with my ex. I got as far as I could with more downs than ups. She just didn't care about me. She used me for sex, money, attention, and maybe also pride. It never occurred to her that I was an actual human being with feelings.


I'm actually offended that my girl thinks that its even possible for me to be with her after what she put me through. I'm not being spiteful. I've forgiven, but I'll never ever forget. No one on this planet deserves what I foolishly endured for a year! I just don't like her anymore. She is no one to me. That's just the way it is.


How can I possibly comfort my girl and reassure her that it could never happen? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks for reading.

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Well I am sure you can, you are well over your ex. But that is not the issue. Your g/f fell in love with a single guy. Now all of a sudden there is the possibility that she is in a relationship with a single guy who is a father and all that that entails...financial support, dealing with your ex for the rest of your life, access issues etc. etc.


You need to address all of these things....and the jealousy factor. You are in for a difficult time I think.

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I agree with richgage.


You may on one hand says you are not spiteful now. You have forgiven yourself and her. And she is now of no one to you, and you dun love her anymore.

But to her, she may see that you are finding excuses to run away from responsibility of being a father to her kid.


Main issue is responsibility and truth.


Since you have forgiven her and dun love her anymore, it should matter EVEN more to you, whether the baby belongs to you or not.


There is always something call going to the gynae clinic and draws some of her placenta and your blood for test if it is truly yours. Get this report with her personally and keep a safe copy for yourself, should this incident get messier with pointing of fingers of responsibility.


If the baby is yours, your next step should be, are u ready to pay for her abortion, and is she ready for abortion or adoption??

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I've told her so many times. She has this strange theory that if you loved someone, you will always have feelings for them no matter what.


Thats not true in my case. My ex is literally invisible. I gave all I could and did everything I could. There's nothing more. Us being together again is impossible.

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I've told my girlfriend everything there is to say. I ran out of things to explain on the subject.


I'm more than willing to accept responsibility if its mine. I love kids and even though it may be tough, having one of mine own would be great!

That woulld give me something else to live for. Of course the circumstances are unfortunate, for some of us thats just the way life goes. We make decisions and deal with consequences.


Of course I regret ever even speaking to her, but that won't change anything at all. I'll take the hand I've been dealt and move on. Thats all I can do. It doesn't matter how I feel.


The child is the only thing that would truly matter.


I love my girlfriend. I just hope she would be able to see past it if she truly loves me.


In the end, hope is all I have...

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I hope she comes to terms with it. If not, then its basically my ex making things terrible for me once again. It's discouraging to realize that even if i'm not with her, she'll always have a negative effect on my life...


If that's how it is, I have no choice but to accept it.


Thanks for your help.

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I hope she comes to terms with it. If not, then its basically my ex making things terrible for me once again. It's discouraging to realize that even if i'm not with her, she'll always have a negative effect on my life...


If that's how it is, I have no choice but to accept it.


Well, there are two different problems. You might have a child with an ex that you really had a bad experience with. That is between you and the ex to solve.


The other problem is your current gf being scared by this. That is between you and her to solve.


I personally don't see why your gf not coming to terms with this, is the responsibility of your ex.


I see this is a very complicated situation. I would say, just keep communicating with your current gf, and accept that this is difficult for her even if you have no feelings for the ex. Having a child with her is still difficult for the current gf.


take care,



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ok heres the deal. your current GF is going to have some issues at hand...the main one is that: youre going to have now TWO women in your life now. one you LOVE & one you once LOVED & might share a baby with. its cool that your GF is accepting of the fact that you may have a child on the way, but if her insecurities are going to come between you & your child, dump her! and dump her fast!! you gonna have 'baby momma drama' now b/c this is concerning an ex who you dont care to have in your life anymore & a jealous girlfriend...NOT A GOOD COMBINATION. and if this baby is indeed yours, those facts are NOT going to change. you are doing the right thing by stepping up & caring for this child. everything else comes second in your life now! so if this chick cant deal, get rid of her. youre gonna have enough on your plate to deal with now, a jealous insecure GF shouldnt be one of them. i wouldnt put up with her if i were you.



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  • 6 months later...

Well, in the beginning it seemed to be the determining factor of whether we were going to be together or not. She just kept thinking about the fact that I might possibly get back together with my ex just because of a child. It really did stress the whole thing out, but we got over it.


But now, my current relationship will soon be my 2nd past one. (separate post)


Strangely enough, it`s ending will be so similar to my last relationship nearly one year ago.

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