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Can't stand it anymore


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He did say he hated seeing me in pain and sought out other people to deal with that. I can't find the connect either. Its the worst excuse and in essence blaming me for him cheating, once again. Its so manipulative.


What an .. Yeah, he making you the reason he is cheating. It's time to go.

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I'm sorry for what I'm about to say, but it has to be said - WHAT PLANET ARE YOU FROM? YOU HAVE GOT DOORMAT WRITTEN ACROSS YOUR FOREHEAD!!!!!!

Sorry, but your post has made me so angry!

1. Why the hell did you give him a second chance? Then a third, then a fourth, then a fifth...........................


Please get some gumption and self respect and leave this piece of s*%t who doesnt give a damn for you.

He will continue this vile behaviour because you are letting him!!!!


Come on sister - we haven't come this far in the world to let men still treat us like this. Get the hell out.


Sorry again, but I can't sugar coat it . You've let him get away with it for too long - have some self love!!!

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Coming out of an emotionally and physically abusive relationship myself where my husband also blamed me for "forcing" him to marry me, I really would get the blazes out of there if I were you! Men use their own insecurities to badger women until they have no self respect or self worth. Save yourself before you become so beaten down you begin to believe his BS.

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You are in a very unhealthy relationship. I was i a similar place, but was married for 20 years. Get out before you waste more of your life. Especially if you want o have children with an emotionally healthy man who deserves your love. You are NOT to blame for his behavior. My ex too tried to blame me for his bad behavior. "If your would just do..., then I wouldn't have to drink" or "If ... was just done right, then I wouldn't need to scream and yell in your face" etc.

I agree with the other posters about getting a good lawyer. Yes it will cost you, but if there are shared assets, it is well worth the spend. I short-changed myself in this area, and while I love having my freedom, wish I had fought for more for my financial security.

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So this is the thing: relationships don't exist in a vacuum. But--you're not responsible for how he copes. You need to either get marriage counseling if you still care....if you don't or if your heart isn't in it then file for divorce. No amount of time will make it easier. You're done when you're done. But--it's best if you communicate your feelings all along and in this way your partner won't feel blindsided . Don't have sex with him. Don't tell him you're still in love with him if you're not. He's probably as confused as you are.

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This doesn't sound like a marriage, it sounds like torture.


I was devoted to my mentally abusive husband and our vows. He deserted me and our children for an alcoholic child beater. When that went sour, he came crawling back. I tried to make it work for the sake of our vows but I realised that my husband had already voided our vows so I kicked him out. I'm so glad I did.


Life is too short. Please choose happiness over abuse.

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