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I thought circumcision happens naturally as you grow up. Do all the men have to get it cut by someone in a hospital or something to get circumcised? How exactly does it happen? Can anyone tell me? I've searched some websites, but I couldn't find good websites. I'm not yet circumcised, and I'm worried! Please!



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Circumsicion is a surgical procedure that is usually performed on newborn males. Web MD has some good info. Here is a link and a paragraph on it. There are pictures on the website.


link removed


Male circumcision is a surgery to remove the foreskin (prepuce), a fold of skin that covers and protects the rounded tip of the penis (glans). This surgery is most commonly done on newborns about 24 hours old. If a baby is born early (premature) or has certain medical conditions, he may be circumcised when he is somewhat older. Circumcision may also be done to treat some medical conditions that affect the penis of older boys and men, such as balanitis (inflammation of the tip of the penis), phimosis, and paraphimosis.

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According to link removed, circumcision is "the cutting off of the foreskin of males that is practiced as a religious rite by Jews and Muslims and as a sanitary measure in modern surgery."


For men born in America, the parents can elect to have the procedure done on the infant because it is supposedly sanitary and prevents some diseases later on in life. To the best of my knowledge, though, it makes no difference physically.


Hope that helps.

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yeah, that's right. You're parents didn't get it done on you. Why don't you ask them why they didn't?


As with any surgical procedure, there are risks. You should talk to your doctor if you are interested in getting the procedure done. They will need to give you anaethesia, and you'll probably experience some pain and inflammation for a while. I think this is why it's performed when they are babies - it doesn't really sound like a fun procedure.


If you're not having any problems, there may not be a reason to have it done now. Just talk to your doctor, see what he says. Go to the website - they have a whole list of risks and issues to consider.

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The others are quite right, circumcision is usually performed on young babies because parents choose to have it done (this is very common in the USA but not Europe) or because of religious beliefs.


You shouldn't be worried that you aren't circucised, some people are and some aren't. The only difference is that people who aren't circumcised need to regularly clean beneath the foreskin by simply pulling it back when they are in the shower.


Some people have the operation performed when they are older but it is not so common. Being circumcised helps to prevent some diseases but having the operation performed now is probably not worth it unless it is for medical reasons. Talk to a doctor for more information and advice, you should also speak to your parents about it to find out why it wasn't performed at birth and if they think you should get it done now.

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It is a painful procedure. My dad had it done when he was in his twenties and still remembers the pain! I had it done when I was first born so I have no memory of it. Better be sure you want to get that done, because once it's gone, it's gone for good!!

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It's a common myth that a circumsized penis is more sanitary than an intact one, but it is not true. Countless of studies have shown there to be no medical benefits of circumsizion. In fact studies have shown the oppsite which is not strange since the foreskin has the same purpouse as the females vaginal lips - to protect the glands.

Other effects of circumsizion includes: reduced ability to masturbate, reduced sensitivity in the glands etc..

So please do not be worried. Most men in the world are not circumsized.

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  • 11 months later...
I thought circumcision happens naturally as you grow up. Do all the men have to get ... circumcised?... I'm not yet circumcised, and I'm worried!


Only a minority of foreskins are naturally short enough to gradually retract and get out of the way of the penis head, with normal growth and development and sexual activity. Others have to train them to stay retracted. Not everyone can. Circumcision can be done in a clinic or hospital.

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