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Do you guys ignore your secret crush and act indifferent when around friends?


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Hello everyone,


I am getting mixed signals from a guy whom I like and I'Ve recently became roommate with. (I'm sharing a flat with four guys, two in one room, the other two and I in another room)


I am very close to his best friend, whom told me months ago when he first introduced mw to he group, that if ever I happened to like his bff, then I should make the first move as he'S "just too damn shy when it comes to heart suff".


Now, he'S always acted friendly and nice towards me, to the point of exaggerate sometimes (he would smile from ear to ear and often stare INTO my eyes in a persistant way when talking making me feel a bit nervous ), complimenting my clothes, saying how much he likes my guitar and plays it all the time instead of using his etc. And deep stareS and stares wheneverI used to come to visit.


Recently we ended up being alone in the house, and he'S been fluctuating from what it feels to me like he's avoiding me sometimes and not considering me at all to acting very very interested and nice.


Last time we were left alone at home, we prepared dinner together and he seemed quite excited, suggested to put some music on, and while having dinner he randomly suggested that we'do hang outside after dinner. (He usually isn't like that when our other flatmates are around)

So we went to the park, and stayed out till 1:30 am talking on a bench..

He even chose we'd sit under a gazebo cause "it's perfect".

Nothing happend we just talked, and at times just look at each other when we'd run out of words to say.

I knew that he would have had to get up early in the morning and at about 23:30 I was already suggesting we'd go home but he kept continuing talking so we'd stay more outside alone in the park.

Once we came back home I gave him goodnight and he replied saying "by the way I really enjoyed this evening with you. It was beautiful".


Now it's been a couple days, we do talk but he seems like he's avoiding me (again).

Yeah this scenario has happened before where we would spend one-on-one time together, enjoy each other company and theN next days when everyone's back he would keep a bit of a distant and act as if trying to avoid me (I figured it might be nervous, cause well.. I actually am)


I'm having doubts I'Ve misinterpreted all that's happend and all those stares and touches.


Any advice on the matter?

Thanks a lot to everyone!

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Never move in with people that you have a crush on. I think you should not listen to the friend who is telling you to make a move. I think that you should not date roommates and if you want to pursue him, you need to move. I also would stop overanalyzing his behavior. You say he sometimes ignores you - in my house, sometimes I don't say a lot - I am in another room and am not "avoiding" my guy, but I am not interacting with him. I have had roommates where we go about our activities and don't talk too much. I would keep the mood as friendship/roommates only and not try to push this

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BTW, friends can be "well meaning" - they want their friend to meet someone even if the friend is not interest so they "matchmake" - they tell their friend Person B likes them when they don't know if Person B actually does, and then tells Person B that their friend likes them or likes to be chased, etc., and therefore interest over false presumption starts. I had "well meaning" friends when I had never been on a date at 20-22 encourage me in the direction of guys that would not be interested because they wanted to see me go out with someone, or encouraged guys in my direction that I was not interested in, but now they thought I was

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