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OK so I'am in year 10 and I'am doing a year 9-10 Drama class and there is this girl who i find very attractive. We haven't really spoken before but during class If we look at eachother i will give her a little smile and she will smile back. And sometimes we just look at eachother from one side of the class to the other. And everytime me and my friends walks past her and her friends i give her a little smile and she smiles back, i seriously dunno what she feels.

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you should definitely test her to see what kind of body language shes giving before you start to talk to her.....whenever your eyes meet dont smile this time...just look her in the eyes and if she looks away and then looks back at you....she definitely thinks you're cute....and always remember that body language says alot.....although you both smile at eachother maybe she's just being friendly....thats why the 'eye test' will help....and always remember that when one person admires another person, they tend to mirror the persons moves....so if you tilt your head and she tilts her head (sort of like shes mirroring you) then that's when you start sweet talking her....Good Luck!!

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