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Feels bad about taking nightschool? Can I help??

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A fellow student of mine who I spend a little time with during out Math 12 class had to drop out to take Math 11. Naturally, since she is also a university student it is a bit of a step back. The reasons why she needs the Math 11 again is beyond me and rather irrelevant.


I can see the distress in her eyes and she feels incredibly stupid being there (sic).


I really want to say something to her to make her feel better about where she is.


Any creative ideas?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Mabye take her out! To a movie... dinner... whatever. Help get her mind off things for a while... clear her mind. then she might be better able to concentrate on what's going on.


other than that, just be a friend to her . good luck!


Yeah I guess that's all I can do. Though, I cannot follow through with the first part of your post. I'm in a relationship and I don't wanna look like I'm crossing any lines. A movie/dinner date is out of the question.

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That's awfully nice of you to want to say something to her.


You can just focus on her as a person and a university student. Catch up with her and ask how things are going for her, and talk about uni stuff -- just casual-like. If you think she'd be comfortable with it, tell her you're sad you don't see her in the same class anymore and ask how her Math 11 professor is.


If you're good with humor you can try to even poke fun at the situation ("Geez, we're getting *killed* in math 12. I think you were smart to get out while ya could!"). Try to cheer her up.

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