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Thinking about blocking her.

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It seems like a real move, especially since we promised each other we'd stay friends no matter what, but I really think I need to do this to help myself heal. I honestly don't want to do it, but in the long run, if I block her on everything (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, my phone), I can actually stick to NC, and not torture myself by going on her profiles and seeing stuff related to her new relationship.


What should I do? Block her without a word? Send her a text explaining everything? Don't block her?


BTW, if you want any background on the ordeal, you can read my journal that's on here.

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Do it and don't feel bad about it. Taking care of yourself is the most important thing right now.


My ex and I ended on civil terms, also with discussion of remaining friends. I told him I needed some space and would be unfriending on social media. He was not thrilled but understood. Soon afterwards I realized that I needed to block him as well, in order to keep from looking at his pages. I did not inform him of this; I just did it.


Don't think of it as a low move that will undermine any future friendship potential. You have to heal first, in order to have a chance at ever being friends, and if this helps you heal, then there you go. It's a no brainer. Also, if she's the type of person who would take it personally and hold it against you, then there's not much potential for friendship there anyway.


Keep doing what you need to do, and don't worry about informing her.

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You should figure out what being a real friend for life means and I think you will find the reason to leave her and your relationship in the past so you can move forward. I deleted and blocked everything and trust me, you heal a lot faster. Do it for yourself and stop worrying about what she'll think, it doesn't matter anymore.

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