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Well I posted a thread about getting together with my best friend's ex. He is o.k. with it. I'm all for it as well since she is smart, mature (for our age) and very attractive. She came on pretty hard to me in public right in front of her ex(my best friend) and all our classmates... then she needed a ride somewhere(i saw an opportunity for some time together and offered... needless to say she was thrilled). So she asked her mom if she could go w/ me and her mom said no. (because she don't know me possibly?)

she then didn't come back and tell me knowing that i would feel bad. before I left I made sure I told her I'd talk to her later and she grabbed my arm and told me bye.


I mean it's clear there is attraction but how do I deal with the mom issue... i don't know if it's because people don't hear my name that often or see me around much they assume i'm a bad person. when in fact it's the opposite... i work 2 jobs, get straight a's, and help whenever I can.


this shook me up pretty bad the other day and i really don't know what to think about the whole situation. I don't meet many people like her and I don't want a possiblity to slip away because of her mom. especially when my ambitions are right and I'm not just wanting some quick fling.



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well, parents who dissapprove of the person you care about make life soooo difficult from start to finish. my exs parents couldnt stand me...for the simple fact that im from NY & they thought i was a typical 'crass new yorker' & i was 'some girl their son was hooking up with.' i wasnt accepted & they had no grounds to stand on either. it was so uncomfortable & unsettling being in their house with them. they would blatenly ignore me, and if they did speak to me it was brief & cold. later on they kinda warmed up to me, but who knows if it was genuine or not. but regardless if i were you id at least make an appearance. see if her parents are just mindless creeps or maybe they are just simply watching over their daughter. youll know right off the bat what they feel about you. introduce yourself very warmly & welcoming. kick that charm into gear & hopefully theyll see what kind of gent you really are.





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I don't know. I hate having to prove myself all the time to people. I am what you see all the time... it's not that hard to figure out. I don't wear a mask and she already knows this. So I guess I'll just have to wait it out.


It really drives me nuts whenever I can do something so good then just get shot down by the third party.


But I guess I'll stick with this because she's a real nice person and I don't meet many nice single girls... imagine that.



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