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Nothing ever works......

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well...im back for those of you who dont know about my issues u can read my posts if u care to...I am back to the old drawing board....I dont know what else to do anymore....Im soooo wiped out. I have tries the NC and then he called and once again I gave in. He started emailing me at work and calling me at work everyday and then he says i feel like we are a cople..why are u pushing urself on me...I said WHAT???? U call me and email me everysingle day...what the hell r u talking about...this whole argument occurred after having dinner on friday night...he slept over my house...but I for the first time felt uncomfortable....We ended on a bad note on saturday and he (like always said we cant talk) I was like u have major issues and just want ur cake and eat it too...u want us to take things slow but how much slower can we go....we have no direction and ur living ur life...its one thing to take things slow with a direction to go in regard to the raltionship...but i feel that he said to take thing sslow...so it will be alright to talk and share all his feeling and whats going on at work b/c he feels comfortable and safe...i have to stop that ...our relationship will go nowhere...i just need help in how to....Please any advise for me???/Its such a difficult situation b/c neither of us can cut each other off...but I feel like he is gonna try his best to do so...im sick to my stomach...PLEASE HELP!

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Repeat after me:


"Don't call me, don't e-mail me, don't contact me at all. I am finished with this relationship and want nothing more to do with you."


Say nothing else. Keep repeating it until he gets the message. If he is not getting the message, repeat it and add that you will consider it stalking/harassment and will get the authorities involved.


You are only prolonging your pain by continuing to have anything to do with him.


Remember when you were a child and you had a bad cut and your mother would tell you not to pick at it so it could heal? This is an emotional wound, and the longer you pick at it, the longer it will take to heal.



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