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Is there a correct way to dump a guy?

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I seriously have not been happy with my current relationship. We dont see each other enough, he lives about 25 miles away from me, and there are something things about him which i do not like. This is my second boyfriend and i have nooo clue how to dump someone. Any advice?

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Do it nicely and firmly. In person. Since you will be breaking up with him, meet him on "his territory" or on neutral territory. You can just say, "this relationship is really not working for me. I think we should break up. I wish you well." If you really don't want him, then be firm. But, if he says something that makes you change your mind, hear him out. Don't be mean. Be classy. Good luck!

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Definitely do it in person. Just say to him that the relationship is not really working out for you and you think it would be best if you break up, you have to be firm and assertive when you say it. Its going to hurt both of you but it is for the best if you dont feel that it is really working out between you guys.

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definitely do it in person. Nothing is more mean than dumping someone over the phone. Trust me, I know, I was on the recieving part.


Other than that, be as kind and as firm as you can. If he wants to say something, let him get it out. It's better he lets it out now than instead of holding it in and spilling his feelings later on down the road.


Wish you the best, be gentle with him.

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Theres no "easy" way to dump someone. If they really care about you, of course there is going to be hurt... and probably anger. definitely do it in person... tell them you dont want to hurt them, and you still care about them, you just werent happy in the relationship... and since you weren't happy, you didnt want to lead them on.


it wont be easy... but be strong, and remember that this is for the good of both of you!


good luck

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