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OK we have broken up and left each other on more than one occasion in the 4.5 years we been together. But tonight was the last straw. I may not be the best person in the world bit I can't take anymore. He's an alcoholic, when he goes to work right before he goes in he drinks mouthwash cause of the alcohol cpntint. He has hep C, he is addicted to porn and would pick that over me. Hes a lier and a manipulative lier . every word that comes out of his mouth is a lie and I can't trust him. I'm so done w/ him I can't take no more.

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sounds good that you left him. don't go back. why did you go back in the past? he's got lots of issues. he can't take care of you or love you when he can't even take care of himself. find someone else who's more put together. sorry to say that, but your ex needs a lot of help from a rehab, not you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks everyone I just now seen all the replies. I haven't talked to or seen him sense the day I told him to leave. 11 days ago. I know he isn't doing good his probation officer called me looking for him. He's called twice and hasn't heard from him. My ex is suppose to call a number everyday to see if he has to go up to take a drug test. So sense he hasn't called I know what's up. It's hard tho we together 4.5 years and now nothing lol I was use to having someone here w/ me and it sucks being alone. I'm 36 almost 37 years old never been married and single again. I should be married to the man of my dreams for past 20 + years etc. My kids are the only ones to keep my going. They are my life my heart .

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Sounds like you stayed with him even though you knew he wasn't right for you, simply because it was better than being alone. Trust me, you're well rid of him. You deserve someone that will move mountains to be with you. Sounds like all he's concerned with is alcohol, and you don't need that in your life. Keep your kids close and be kind to yourself. Good luck!

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