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He is always "too, tired or not in the mood" but this only happens Mon-Thur.


Weekend nights and days are fine.


His job forces him to walk between 8-10 miles a day, so I can understand that he is tired, and he gets off work at three then comes home and gets himself off at 3:30. So I think thats why by the time I am home from the gym, and have my daughter in bed, he is ready for sleep.


Help any suggestions.

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Try fixing him healthy meals, or encouraging him to consume foods that give him energy. There is a direct correlation between the foods you consume, and your energy levels. Find foods that are low rating on the glycemic index and feed him those foods. Also, make sure he's getting enough rest as well. Proper nutrition, rest, and exercise all go hand in hand. If you're missing any single one of these elements, your body can't perform at optimum levels.

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Take comfort from the fact that some of us have to wait YEARS to have sex


I knew I was going to hear something like this, but the thing is we are in a redo-relationship, and our old one became practicly sex-less, and I dont want that to happen again.

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A relationship is a partnership so try to work together. How 'bout you try adjusting your "schedule" to accommodate his? Can you wait until the weekend?


I would imagine it takes more energy for him to take care of you than for him to get off by himself...that's probably why he takes care of it that way. It's not that he doesn't want to have sex with you ( you have good weekends right?) ...he just too tired to get romantic

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How 'bout you try adjusting your "schedule" to accommodate his?


I know us women are suppose to "peek" sexually in our 30's but I am 23 an always willing, espically ever since we got back together. So yes we do it on weekends, and its pretty great. Also, he is usually in the mood more so during the day, and I am not so much, but I do it anyways, its like he wont even throw me a bone. And the only time I have to take care of business myself he is there or my daughter is awake so I cant even do that. As far as being there when he gets home from work is impossible, he gets off work at 3 and I dont until 5.

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When you want anything from anyone, you will always be much more successful if you can get them to want it too, instead fo jsut trying to get them to give it to your otherwise. So, you should try to get in his head.


With one ex, if I want sex that night, I would begin trying to seduce her the moment I saw her, if not sooner. I might grab her and kiss her hard, or kiss her a bunch and then act like I expected little right then. Other thigns have worked on other women. What can you do to make him want you on a given night? Try different things.

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That's a really good idea Beec. I was going to suggest something similar:


How bout when he leaves for work in the morning you give him a little note that says Oral sex at 8 o'clock, hope you can make it. That would probably get him thinking about you all day long and ( hopefully) he won't take care of himself before 8 because you have something much better planned.

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If that does not work, try something else on a different night.


You should be trying different things all the time anyway. I go through a times when I just grab my gf and take kisses from her, times when I stalk her slowly and corner her to get them, times when all I give her is small pecks,, times when I just about throw her down, otehrs when she needs to coax me into sex, times when she has difficulty getting my head from between her legs, times when I resist going down on her, and there are times when I pay attention to her breasts, behind, etc. I keep trying to change things, because I think it helps keep things fresh and alive, etc.

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