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The good guy/bad guy thing

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One of my women friends always went for the bad guy type. The pattern was;


they would be happy for a few months (honeymoon period)


he would then start going out more with his mates (and end up hooking with hoever would have him)


she would get all worked up, moan, complain and eventually dump him


she would dwell on the situation for a month or two....why did he treat her so badly?


then she would then start dating exactly the same kind of person



After a while i got fed up of giving her advise since she took no notice whatsoever and repeated the same mistakes again and again. We don't see each other much nowadays.

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1. The person who wrote that is 19. She's probably going through a "I'm young, time to be wild" stage.


2. I like how she tried to cover both ends, someone who is "sweet, caring" and also a "bad boy." She's trying to get the total package.


3. CarterJonas, that's the usual pattern. Someone people are just stubborn and won't listen to reason. It's a bad habit that she's going to one do regret ever getting into. And by that time she'll be so used to it that it will be hard to break the cycle.

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The "bad boy" appeals because of the media image that they are "cool, sexy, and dangerous." Particularly with young people, they get the idea that being wild, crazy, and partying is what they are suppose to be doing. Thus the bad boys or girls are the ones who get noticed. Meanwhile the good guys and girls get lost in the crowd and have a hard time finding each other. Not fair, but if everyone was a nice guy or nice girl, we wouldn't be so special.

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I went through a bad boy phase.... Like Ive posted for a different situation.


Its not a good place to be in... I wanted to feel "rebel-ish" and like I was doing something wild. Needless to say.. I was treated with disrespect and the relationship lasted no longer than 4 months. (if it could even be classified as a relationship. )

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Bad boys are a pathetic friggin waste of time. The girl who wrote that is probably either confused of what she wants, OR, she genuinely likes those types of guys. Some women just naturally want bad boys. Some women don't. Try not to get caught up into this 'women like bad boy image'. This advice goes out to 'nice' guys. The important thing: be you! Always be yourself and be proud of who you are. When nice guys try change themselves, they deny themselves of their own true happiness. When it comes to women who know what they want, it's often that deep mental/emotional connection that we look for in a guy. Bad boys are boring to me.


My definition of a bad boy may be different, but this is what I see. You can't seriously carry on a deep conversation with them. They're so limited in their way of thinking, it's not even funny. When I look at them, I think of Neanderthals. No one wants a Neanderthal for a man. Imagine this, who the hell would want guys who goes to bars, routinely gets into bar fights/extreme road rages, then goes home, and all they want to do is eat/sleep/have sex excessively, and watch lots of porn all day long like fat old lazy pigs! It's almost as though that's their daily routine. They might be cute and charismatic at first, but that kind of crap gets old fast. If you ask me, bad boy spells out LOSER! No one wants a loser. Compare that to the 'good' guy. Now, who's the winner here?


It's the nice guys who women spend those awesome comversations with. So don't trip. Don't lose hope. Keep on being you. Be proud of being a 'good' guy. They're the true heroes. (To me, bad boys are just a bunch of wusses if you want my honest opinion. They're just covering up for some kind of insecurity that they have, that women do not need to deal with).


Just my 2 cents based on my own personal experience. I know this topic is controversial, but the wise man knows that the bad boy image is just an image. If a guy wants to attract a girl for shallow reasons by being the portrayed bad boy, then he will end up finding himself engaged in shallow relationships. *Note to the young ladies- the truly bad boys are the guys who tend to cheat/abuse. Be careful. It may be fun n games at first, but when you get abused, you will know that the bad boy isn't worth it! Hopefully, by then, you won't lose your own identity. When someone abuses you, and takes you for granted, you will literally lose your spirit, and a sense of your own self. Be wise with the men you choose!

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