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My ex is a very busy person and we only dated for like 6 weeks but I liked her so much.. We were never really just friends.. I just met her and after a days asked her out..


ANyways, we broke up because she wants to be my friend first and she doesnt feel for me as a bf anymore.. I was her first bf though and I feel that she mad a mistake (obviously). She broke it with me by basically saying she wants to just be friends for now.. Ideally we'd get back together again but I know it's not going to happen because I've gone through this several times before.


It would be nice if I had a friend or something to talk to about this but I don't and I got all these emotions bottled up and I don't know what to do.. I can't talk to Sarah.. I make her feel so bad when I talk about it.. I dont mean to though..


I just don't know what to do, I just sit here and end up crying thinking about it... I can't really get out and do much . .. no car no cool mom.. no lady friends to really talk to... Im so lost and confused

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I've been through it...well...vice versa actually. I was with this guy for about a week (yeah...I know, not very long). We'd only just met...didn't really get to know each other before hand or be friends for a little bit and see how it progressed.


So, we went straight into the relationship, didn't spend anytime to get to know each other properly. There was so much about me that he didn't know about, and there was so much about him that I didn't know.


So, we went out for a drink, and he got totally drunk. He told me something I didn't want to hear. I wondered whether it was worth it, so I decided to call it off. I didn't want a relationship anyway...I simply wasn't ready.


There could be many reasons to why she doesn't want a proper relationship with you. It might be because of the same reason as me, I am still hurting from my last relationship, or she enjoys being single and isn't ready for commitment...or it might just be because she does want to get to know you as a friend. I know for sure that I would want to get to know a lad before I went out with them without knowing them.


I think you can learn so much more about someone by being friends with them rather than lovers. I don't know, thats just my honest opinion...but if you hang in there, it might turn out all right for you

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Buddy, girls your age are like that, very confused and will flake out on you in an instant. Here's the plan man, being her friend is definitely not going to work. It'll make you feel too much pain so don't do it. If she doesn't want to date you, she doesn't get to know you at all.


Being without a car sucks so here's the plan. Get a job nearby and save up some $ for one. But you don't even need that man. There are so many females out there. School, neighborhood, get friends to drive you around. Females just walk the street and you can hit on them anywhere. Get out there and do it bro, there's plenty out there waiting for you.

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