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LDR breakup Did I mean anything to her?


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LDR for about a year and a half. We met online (not a dating site). We got to know each other over about 9 months before meeting in person for the first time. By the time we met we were already infatuated with one another. In the beginning things were great, the honeymoon phase if you will. We saw each other once a month (long weekend generally) and in-between texted, phone calls, Skype. We spoke everyday. When we were together things were great, the trips were always fun. We talked about moving to start a life together, etc. There were countless "I love you" "I miss you" from both of us. About six months or so things started to change. I noticed that she communicated less and was not as eager to see me. She would also pull back every so often. It seemed the closer we got she would start to back off (say things like 'let's just take it slow, see how it goes'). By summer things were not going well but we got through it and I saw her a couple more times. However, by December she ended it. She told me that she never loved me and she didn't want a relationship, that she had been vulnerable and got carried away. She said she regretted crossing the line with me.To be fair I had started to get "needy" and I know this played a part and she agreed though she continually insists her past is causing problems. She told me I was a good man but she didn't feel the way I did. I guess my questions are:


Did she really never love me? She said I was the sweetest, kindest man she ever met and she wanted to love me. Well, what did she feel then?


About six months or so after we met friends started coming back into her life. Up to then she had basically been alone. All at once however friends reappeared and she moved in with family. Possible that played a part?


She said she wanted to be my friend. I know that is standard in break ups However, she said I understood her and she valued my friendship. Well, contact only exists one way between us. If I call her she doesn't answer, texting is not much better. Yet she will call me on occasion. It seems at times she will call then kind of vanishes for a week or so. She says she is busy but she talks to her friends daily.


She never told anyone about me. Nobody in her life knew I existed, not family or friends. The last time I saw her she wanted to go home and get something but dropped me off at a coffee house rather than take me home with her (lives with family). I know that is a bad sign but don't understand what it meant.


I know I'll never really know all that happened but I'm still getting over her and trying to deal with losing her. We had fun and she brought good into my life but when she left it hurt so bad. Some of the things she said really took it out of me. Made me feel like the whole relationship meant nothing.

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People say all sorts of nasty stuff during a breakup that's not true so dont take it to heart.


But this is over and remaining in contact won't get her back, it will only hurt you. It's not possible to be friends with someone you have romantic feelings for

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Unfortunately it sounds like she met or went back to someone locally. Don't try to be her friend. Stop contacting her and put your efforts into finding a local gf.

LDR for about a year and a half. By the time we met we were already infatuated. she didn't want a relationship.She said she wanted to be my friend. If I call her she doesn't answer, texting is not much better.
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