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Before You Brought the Pain


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I see you everyday,

And remember how it was,

I'm trapped within inertia,


You went off with him,

Not thinking about me,

I couldn't give you enough,


Why can't it be like before?

Before you left me,

Before you brought the pain,


Now you're alone too,

I still long for you,


I wonder whether you want me,

Always talking and flirting so incessantly,

But do you just want to bait me?


As you learnt recently,

There's so much you don't know about me,

I'm the mysterious good-looking man,



Why do you torment me?

So incessantly…

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If that's how the situation really is then she's being a jerk. If she has a bf right now and she's giving all of these positive signs out to you. Then she's just leading you on. It's mean and very misleading and I had it happen to me. . So just forget about her. When her bf abuses her or whatever then just tell her "Don't come cryin' to me".

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She is single, she isnt seeing anyone. We spoke on the phone for the first time in a while last night(ive tried to stay away from calling/texting her..she told me she wanted to talk to me more, and so she said for me to go on MSN when we had finished the phone call - we talked on MSN for over 3 hours).


I was only calling to ask her if she wanted to go to a concert, and we ended up talking for 20 mins - and this time there was flirting, she said i was handsome, we joked about me fancying the singer of the band and then she talked about her buying a nurse outfit and she will put it on to take care of my hand and practice her bedside manner! (this kind of convo continued all night in the MSN convo, talking about fantasies and stuff...she said she was surprised, she thought i was a conservative kind of guy!)


Is this the sort of stuff that you people would say to just lead someone on?

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Or she may not, and was purely doing it because she wanted the attention. Alhough she was the one who wanted to stay on the phone longer, and wanted to talk on MSN.


Plus im just utterly confused. My friend thinks she might have been trying to feel me out and see if i liked her, what do you think?


She asked me if i was working and i said not anymore, i asked her and she said her work had gone downhil since we had made some remarks about fanasies (is this anything?), after that the convo went like this:


Her: yeah its been a while if you know what I mean!! (her referring to sex)

Me: i can take a guess!

Me: im sure there are plenty of people who would be willing to help you!

Her: wanna meet me in the library in 10?

Her: just kidding!!

Her: make it 15 im in my pjs

Me: hehe, dont do that, its not fair!

Her: yeah your right i will be a good 20

Her: ...longest pause in the world ever...(I did take a long time to write something)


Me: well, whilst i dont doubt you'd be 20mins, i have a feeling, that one would deem it too cold to go out, or something of that nature....but i dont know, she may be willing to brave the cold!


(I didn't now what to say – she appeared serious because she was going on about it being a really long pause, this made my friend think that she wanted to know if I liked her, and so I wrote what's above, which was awful!)


Her : what?

Me: get ready!

Her: really? it took all that time to write 2 words? (is she surprised, because she asked 'really?')

Me: well i did type, and then my thoughts were "oh bollocks to this, just write it simply!"

Her: im not going outside

Her: i was only kidding (is this her back tracking? and making a point of saying she doesnt like me in that way? my friend isnt sure, he thinks she may jus not have known what to say)

Me: i know!

Her: good!


Im not sure if this convo it good, what do you think?


After that she joked about having some links to websites that I might be interested in (porn) and then she left. She gave me a wink, and said I don't even want to know what the wink was in reference to, and she just wrote "xx" and then left.


My friend said guys an girls dont talk about fantasies without some kind of sexual tension between them, would you agree?

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