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Update on my current situation

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So, monday last week my gf whom I love broke up with me. The despair and the axiety are now lower, now I feel deep sadness more than anything, the pain is still the same. I have been avoiding her in school and places where she might be, I don't know if this is the right thing to do, I just do it because I'm afraid meeting up with her will hurt too much. My nights are still the same, sleep at 10:30 pm and wake up at 1 or 2 am with no more sleep beyond that point, my parents refuse the idea of sleeping pills (I'm 17 years old so I can't just get them). I've been trying to keep myself busy with books and schoolwork but sometimes it's just not enough, what do you guys do in these situations? The school psycologist said I just write about it somewhere, so I started a journal and also wanted to share what I'm going through with you guys in hope of some useful advice.


Sorry for the bad english.

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How long were you together ? Do you want No Contact? Blocking her from phone and social medias ?


That's the first step.


You're right, you're young. You'll grow a thicker skin, good luck for now.


Also I took sleeping pills for a while and I don't suggest someone so young get hooked on such drugs, in the long run they can be pretty dangerous.


Otherwise yeah there is the ''awkward encounter'' say hello and nothing more, pretend you're running late or busy.

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We were together for 1 year, I do want to contact her and talk to her but I know Im going to regret it because last time I did that; it hurted me too much. Im not going as far to block her and delete her from all social media like she dosen't exists, because she does exists.

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Posting in the 'post here instead of contacting your ex' thread on here is really helpful when you have the urge to talk to your ex.


You're doing great, keeping distance and NC are very helpful. The not being able to sleep thing stinks. Also want to add you may want to try to add exercise into your daily routine, it may tire you out more through the day you can stay asleep (it's helped me before. Unrelated to a breakup but I've had insomnia issues on and off for years. I usually stay asleep better on days when I had a lot of physical activity during the day) Hugs. Keep it up!

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