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How much does a marriage depend on sex???


any married people want to help out with this???


ok you want to know the truth why?? There are two girls that really like me... and they both have different things about them that i find attractive... there is one with a very good body and good personality... but then there is the other with not such a good body... but a personality like no other... i dont know... i have a long time before i get married... but i was still just wondering how much marriage depends on sex...



Thx for any help...

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Sex is important in a marriage.


As sexual chemistry is important it is not the basis of who you ask to marry you. I mean, a person can have a great body and a good personality and not be sexually compatible with you. Then the other person who is ok looking and has an awesome personality may truly rock your world in bed. I guess it is what is important to you and what you may find pleasing for you.


I've been married for 6 years and my husband has gained alot of weight since we got married. If I were not married to him, I probably wouldnt' be physically attracted to someone like that initially but that all changes when I get to know their personality. Once I get to know their personality, that is what I am completely attracted to. Does this all make sense?


If you are just dating people and are far from marriage then date whoever you want but when you start to get the marriage itch just remember that a great body will disappear with time but the personality remains. So which one would you rather live with day in and day out?

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I guess it just depends on the people who are in the marriage... I know you read my post, so you know my stance. To me, it is extremely important. Maybe not necessarily sex as much as touch, affection, romance. I think it is a basic human need, and if it is lacking in a marriage, one or both partners will look elsewhere!

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The marriage question is a hard question to answer... Everyone will have a new opinion.. But.. you seem like your not ready yet.. anyway... I think that you will find out yourself.. whether (personality or physical) suits your needs best... Just keep dating and you will find the answers eventually.. Just be kind to all.. no matter what you choose.. and the relationship that you are searching for will come to you

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Well for you, I don't think you need to worry yet as you said its a long way off, so date for fun at the moment.


To the question at hand - sex is very important part of marriage. As to how important may vary from couple to couple, but the couples with better sexual chemistry/intimacy are usually more likely to weather the storms together. It is a strong bond between two people.


Keep in mind everyone has different sexual appetities, interests & turn ons. For example, people may rave about how great one girl is in bed. But I guarantee that there are probably others who don't know that those people are talking about! Why is this? Because sex also has to do with sexual compatibilities, intimacy, COMMUNICATION (very important!) and emotional fulfillment. It is not just about "getting your rocks off" in other words, at least not in long term relationships. It is about developing your sexual life together, about the little things that go on outside the bedroom as well as in. It is about communication, affection, listening to your partner. It is about cherishing sex together and taking care to nourish and build it (and not use it as a weapon or "reward"). About knowing that sex is about more than what goes on when you are naked.


And sometimes those who are "best in bed" or "best looking" are not going to be the ones that provide long term fulfillment unless they can provide all the above as well.


So yes, it is VERY important. But only you can determine how important it is to you. And what IS important to you in that sex life.

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I think it is pretty important that a married couple be sexually compatible. I have a friend who wants sex just about every day. He waxes poetic about the idea of coming home, taking a shower and having his partner join him. His wife, she's fine with sex once a month of less frequently. It's a problem. If they both wanted sex once a month or once week, then there would be no issue. But when one wants it all the time, and the other once in a blue moon, there is a problem.

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Sex in a marriage is important and this will vary depending on the two people involved in the relationship. Sex can be more than just the act itself it also represents communication and intimacy. Lack of sex can cause a relationship to end, too much sex (meaning that one person wants it more than the other) can be frustrating for both parties. Keep sexual chemistry in mind when choosing a partner if that is whats important to you. Marriage is whats important to you and your partner, so just keep that in mind.

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How much does a marriage depend on sex???


any married people want to help out with this???


It depends on the marriage. My marriage could not survive with out good regular sex. If I didn't leave her, she would dump me. But, I know that for other people its less important.


then there is the other with not such a good body... but a personality like no other


If you give up the girl with the "personality like no other" for one that is more attractive, you are a damn fool.


But, if I were picking between two women now the criteria would be (remember I am almost 50 and married 23 years):


Which one hugs better, in the end, hugs hold more physical confort than sex.


Which one has the more even temperment.


Which one loves you more, for being loved in a marriage is just as important as loving.

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wow guys (girls and guys lol)... thanks for all the advice... sorry... my mind was just wandering last night and i just thought i would post that question... i know... i still am a far way off... so for now i will just date and see how things go but some really good advice to think about... Thanks Again!

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