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do you guys think that no contact really works?


what are your thoughts?


I have emailed my ex and txt once and he has replied both times. thats all the contact we have had and that was in the first few days. its now been 2 weeks. im doin very well.


im doing the no contact for me and for him tho, for us to heal and give him his space.


im just wondring though, do u guys really think that nc is what makes a person wnat u back? wouldnt it b that it makes them miss u n thereforeeee gives them the IEA they wont u back but then if u do get back together they will realise they arent happy again?


or is it tha u have to do nc for them to realise they miss u, n that that does and will work?


whats ur thoughts on nc?


do it ornot and why?


my bf n i broke up on good terms, have never fought.



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no contact is not really a method of getting back together although it sometimes works like that when the couple realise they are happier together than apart and decide to fix the problems and start again.


But it is really a means of separating emotionally as well as physically from an ex. If, after a break up, you constantly contact each other, those connections that form during a relationship cannot be gradually broken, hearts do not heal properly, and it takes much longer to be able to form new relationships.


And it is especially hard on the person who did not want the relationship to end because they constantly have hope that it can be started up again.

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well I believe that NC is the choice to go with if u plan on pretty much cutting your ex out of your life. If u want to be friends with your ex, or perhaps get back together with them, then the better choice would be what i call LC (less contact) its not complete 'no contact', rather much less contact than would normally occur between the two of you. LC allows both members of the relationship that once was to find themselves and do things for themselves while also keeping a little contact with each other and being congenial at the very least. wat do u guys think of that method?

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less contact is what my ex and i did. we decided to do NC but he wrote me after a few days only, saying he couldnt help it, we were best friends before we were together so he felt like it was natural for us to talk. i was happy that he messaged me, but it was also hard since i was the dumpee so it gave me hope that he was rethinking his actions... i think less contact is good because you can still be civil to each other, yet you can move on with your lives hopefully. good luck

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