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I need some help to understand

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I've been on and off the phone with my sister all day today. She's been upset because all day cops and everybody been knocking on the door. Well, for a while she just ingored them and hoped that they would just go away. But, they didn't. Finally, She just gave in and opened the door. She just called to tell me that They took her baby from her and she doesn't know why. She saying they took her baby for nothing.. For nothing? She had to do something and just not tell me. I don't know. But, this is my precious niece we are talking about here whos now 7 months old. They said that the baby is with the state for 15 days. Whatever that means?

15 days?! What happens during the 15 days or even after the 15 days?

She doesn't know. I don't know ether. Someone help me to understand

I'm afraid that my niece is going to be gone now, for good.

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WHAT!? That's crazy. She had to have done something. . . or maybe it was a false accusation.


I dont know what goes on in those 15 days, but I just wanted to say that I hope everything turns out alright. i cant imagine what you're feeling right now... I hope that your neice is okay... and they figure everything out.


I'm here if you need someone.. or support.


Good luck!



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I agree with tanned,Normaly the state takes a kid only if they are mistreated or not being well taken care of or possibly the mother is not fit to raise the baby,But if that is not the case it could have been a false accusation and untrue,In those 15 days they may evaluate what is going on?Check to see if the baby was taken care of?Or look into weather or not the mother is fit.Either way I am not sure because I dont have a child just would be my opinion but I hope everything turns out for her and you and the child and sorry that this has happened im here if u need to talk and wish you and your family the best of luck!

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I went through your other postings, but didn't find anything that relates to the situation of your sister. It would help if you gave some more info on your sister, how old is she, what about the father of the baby, did she have problems with cops before, is there a history of even drugs?



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She must know what she did, otherwise why would she ignore the cops at her door all day? Thats not "normal" to be happening after all.


But I can't tell you what - authorities will take children away to a safer place when they are investigating charges/claims against the parent(s).


In the 15 days they probably investigate the claims and so on and either build case or drop it. If they build it and have grounds, the child may end up in foster care for as long as required, and eventually adopted out if made a ward of state etc if they deem the real mother unfit to take care of her.


She has to get a lawyer as court may be involved in this.

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There is always a chance someone has falsly reported abuse.


I hope that is the case, and nothing is up with your sister you don't know. IF that is the case, there will be a serious follow-up investigation as to whome did this to your sister. If they are found guilty, they will be in a butt load of trouble!


I reaaally hope all goes well. Try and remain calme, have a glass of wine


Good luck


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