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I'm just a college girl to him

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Hello all,


Okay I'm 6th form college now. I'm 17 and I haven't been good in relationships. But thats not why I am posting here.


I'm posting here because I have have a major crush on one of the teachers at college. He doesn't teach me at all but I see him around when I'm on a free period. He teaches football with the boys.


He sometimes says good morning if he sees me and sometimes smiles at me. I feel strongly attracted to him. The thing is, he can only see me as a school girl. Well college girl. I want him to see past Laura the student and see the more layed back down to earth Laura. He can't do that even if he wanted to because student teacher relationships are strictly forbidden.


I don't know him to well but I notice certain things we have in common. My best friend Shazraiya talks to him quite often since he teaches her brothers so sometimes I join in the conversation. The conversation lasts for about 2 minutes or less. Sometimes I just want to hug him or if I'm sad I wish he was there for me to hold. It's like my mind is telling me he will make it all better.


He's all I think about. He's on my mind ALL the time. Sometimes I'll sit in a lesson and my tutor will notice that I'm day dreaming. He will give me a nudge ot too to try and get me to snap out of it.


What should I do? I want to get over it and I don't ... can anyone else relate to this problem?


Any advice would help.


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well, if he wants to keep his job he wont do anything with you. its a big thing if a professor dates a student....and a major problem if he dates an under aged student....this is just a crush, itll pass. dont get so strung up on him. its probably just an innocent crush. make it nothing more than that.


i go to an art school & theres a prof i had, hes soooooo unbelievable talented (i call him Capt. Talent) hahaha & he & i talk a lot. hes early 30's & i think hes absolutly adorable. we even talk on AIM, email & i even visit him in his classes every now & then...i had him as a professor like 4 semesters ago. hes just cool peoples. haha & on that note there is a diff prof whos as old as my parents but hes soooo funny, everyone finds him so attractive SOMEWAY SOMEHOW lol its quite funny...hes got this mustache hahah & i dunno its just funny how like every chick who has him thinks hes 'hot'. haha. id just let it pass if i were you. how about you go to the games & meet some of the hot players on his team.



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Are you sure your real issue isn't with people your own age? That one line you said seemed to generalize all people your age, maybe you think a relationship with him would elevate you above them??


17 and 30+ is really huge, and it could get him in a lot of trouble with his job. Atleast make sure you keep your mind open to people your age!

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23 isnt a bad age to date, at least it seems a little more 'ok' once you turn 18...just for legal purposes. but never the less he IS a professor & for him to screw around w/ one of the students is going go destroy his rep. there are so many politics in the teaching world...every teacher or prof wants to be better than the other, junk is talked between them all & this is one thing he WOULD DEFINITLY NOT WANT to get around. so admire him from afar & find a nice guy to date instead...someone other than the staff at your school. ya just gotta deal with it & move on i guess.



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