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how do i make him stop being jealous...


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ok my boyfriend is so jealous of everything i do with my guy friends, im more as a "tomboy" i always had guy friends now my bf dosent like it he always asks me what im doing, and i tell him and he jokes around, like if i talk on messager he would want to know what im doing and i would tell him, but he would say back at me 'oh yea rite your probably cybering lol its kind funny but i would never do that.....how do i make him feel safe with still being friends with my guy friends..?

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Well, ask yourself this: how do you interact with your guy friends? What are your conversations like? If your boyfriend would listen to you talk with them or hang around with you and them would he mind what you talk about? Do your guy friends treat you like "one of the guys" or do they flirt a little here and there in a joking manner? How much time do you spend with them? If he were to talk with all types of girls, would you like it?


And I always think about this: with typical guy/guy and girl/girl friendships there is no flirting or touching at all, so if any of your guy friends are guilty of that, are they strictly being "friends" or being "friendly"? Just a thought.

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Jealousy is probably the World's most evilest emotion.......It can eat you alive.....


Whenever i saw my gf at work talking to another guy or laughing with him, and I wasn't part of it, it would drive me ABSOLUTELY CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!


It came to the point where I couldn't function whenever another guy was close to her....


Then I asked the reason for my jealousy....and mostly it has to do with the person who is feeling the jealousy......They have a lack of self esteem...low confidence.....


For me.....I just started to workout more....now at work, everytime i see her talking with another guy, i take a little break, go to the storage room and do Push ups....It's come to the point where I'm pumping out about 500 a day.....In the evenings I go to the gym..hit the heavy bag, work out..etc......I'm a body building machine and it has drastically increased my self confidence.....


But really..it all comes down to trust..if he trusts you, he shouldn't freak out so much..if he doesn't trust you, then he should break it off with you..oh..and maybe he should find some female friends too...Peace!

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It's either an insecurity thing, or he's cheating on you. Don't laugh, that's honestly the easiest way to tell if your partner is cheating. They're jealous of everything YOU do because they're cheating so they know how easy it is, and wonder how you could have platonic relationships when they're not able to.


Don't panic, but don't dismiss recurrant jealousy.

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WOW! justagirl20f......You hit the nail right on the head! Many guys who are cheating think that their spouse/gf/ mate is being unfaithful as well, thus they are jealous all the time of their mate, watching their every move and scrutinizing every thing they do!........Your post put things in Context for me about things in my own life! Peace!

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