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Tears of Spring - Inspiring...

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Tears of Spring…


The gardener –ourselves , the garden is us – the flowers are our relationship together, the weeds are our insecurities, our dependence/addictions, our fears – but understanding and experiencing the weeds are necessary so that we can be stronger.



In the spring there are so many hopes and promises – the sun is shining, the flowers are growing beautifully. However there are weeds – some may be ugly and aggressive –usually these ones get the immediate attention – and pulled from the garden - but still leaving the roots. Some appear harmless, others a little beautiful, or go unnoticed.

If these weeds are left unattended – they will drop the seeds and lay dormant until the next spring.


Fall: separation

If the gardener does not clear the garden of the weeds in the fall and winter– the garden become choked up with the weeds upon springtime – and no matter how beautiful the planted flowers could be – they are unable to bloom fully and become stunted, and the weeds are predominant in the garden.


Winter: (Death of /end of a relationship – needs closure)

Winter may seem bleak, dark, lonely and very painful Even if the ground is hard – cold –it is important to go thorough the process of digging deep; facing the roots of the weeds and release them so as to break the cycle. We mourn the loss of the beautiful flowers – but by accepting that the past flowers are dead and by letting go – only then can the healing process can begin. By purging the garden we will discover that the past flowers have provided seeds that make it possible to grow again.


Only then we can start anew – whether we will plant the same flowers or of a different variety. The first part is letting go…realizing the pain is part of healing; it is grieving, and forgiving. After the tears of spring have fallen – the garden can blossom…



By L.Reding

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Thats it, I'm getting a rock garden. j/j, thats a great way to put things into light. I love the window in which you view the wrold of relationships.

I've weeded the garden and I'm ready to put in a coy pond and some fish for a change. I'm just not sure on what I want to grow yet. But be sure that the weeds will be removed on sight when I catch them trying to grow. We cant save every flower in the garden but we can always grow more which took me a while to understand. Keep up the open mind and I'd love to hear more. Phoenix

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I recently wrote 'Tears of Spring' as an analogy as a closure letter to my 'ex'

I had determined that our relationship ended long ago. But I had hoped that if we could just be friends, we could let time heal and then we could carry on. But… It was like salt in a wound that never did heal (for both). In his mind we never ended. I felt his frustration because he were unsure how to mend us so that we can be together.


I hope that we do NOT just put our past aside and move on but to actually do a some weeding– he clearly needed to do some of his "gardening" as well– I thought I already did my weeding…but I had allowed the weeds to keep taking over… I am working on clearing this garden so that I can replant anew – without the weeds. Only then I can share a healthy relationship, friendship…. perhaps with my true love.


(we have now started again together anew...carefully)

we have been together for 4 years - 'friends' for 2...

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