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Sent letter to ex, got bad response

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Well, I've heard that you should always write a letter to your ex but never send it. Man, that's bang on correct.


So my ex moved away about a month ago, we've been talking on the phone and MSN since then. But things got really different, and quite suddenly as well. So one night, I get all depressed and start drinking, next thing you know I'm writing an email to her and send it off. I notice I get no response. So the next night I drink again, and write a long email, and really spill my guts. I mean just bad, well, not bad, I said alot of nice things and how I missed her being around etc. etc. but man, she didn't like it AT ALL. I got a long winded slap in the face from her reply. WOW, I guess I was way off; interesting how people can just change overnight.


So, advice to anyone reading this: if you feel like writing an email or letter to your ex to tell them how you feel, DONT.


Well, thats my short rant. Take it easy folks.

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Yeah, thanks for all the responses. I really do feel like a dumbazz. After I read what I wrote I almost threw up it was so embarrasing. Really, gotta lay of the beers if you're near a computer and have a bone to pick with your ex lol.


Next time, I'll know better

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oh yeah - I've sent the occasional drunk e-mail myself. I've heard that you can sign up for a phone service where it will block certain numbers from being dialed after a certain time (ex's, boss') to prevent drunk dialing. I wonder if they have the same thing for e-mails....

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Ya, we all have some horror stories about writing our EXs and then not sending them. I wrote something everyday after we broke up, and some were 10 pages long somedays. Well, shortly after my EX comes to me one day, down in the dumps, etc.... I dont know how, but next thing I know I am reading some of these letters to her. I skipped the bad parts. Well, she stayed over a couple weeks ago, and I left for work first, so she took a shower. I am pretty sure she went thru my stuff, and found these letters and read them. I am bummin now. Cause there was nasty stuff in them.... So, I think is part of why we arent back together.....



And I had pixs of a girl I used to date in there to. Not good. But get this, when she leaves, she puts her underwear on my bed post, instead of taking it with her. LOL Now I cant even see her. It is crazy!!

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Well, at least you didn't send the emails off to the ex. Thats when it get's nasty. I'm not too sure why they get so mad when you do that, at least with mine, it wasn't like I was saying alot of mean sh!t, but I might as well have. She won't even talk to me on msn now! Oh well, I guess I ended up getting the closure I needed. I now know there's no going back, so nothing to look forward to = nothing to be sad about. Time to move on. Watch out ladies, i'm back in the game!

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no doubt! some of the things we say when were drinking, while true to most extent, are exaggerated byond normal recognition. most of the time they're things we wish we never said, either because we are to afraid to say them while sober, or because we were so drunk that it just didn't make any sense. take me for instance, while i am drinking as I type this, i am doing my damndest not to send her another email, not that i don't want to, i mean, I could just write one up right this second and say a bunch of mean sh!t because now im mad that I got a bad response the last time, but theres no way in hell that im going to do that tonight. been ther, done that. so ill just drink my beers in peace thanks.



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what are you doing!?!?!? I was going to suggest, before you go drinking, unhook all of the cables to your computer and stash them somewhere. If you get home sloppy drunk, it will be sooooo much harder for you to send a drunk e-mail if you have to assemble them.


Ok... no more drunk e-mails, alright? It's not going to help you get your ex back. She's just going to think you are a drunk jerk.

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oh gosh - I don't know why relationships are so hard. They just are. Forgive yourself. We all do silly things at times. Lots of people don't realize what they have until they lose it. Why did you two break up? Do you still live in the same town as her? Maybe you two should meet and have a sober conversation. Talk about your issues. How are things different now then they were when you were dating her? Can you two work out your issues and try to get back together?

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  • 1 year later...

lol. glad i found this thread - silly me, i'm sitting here comtemplating writing a letter to my ex - and i have been keeping a journal for the longest time - looking back, trying to figure out what to put in the letter - oh, silly me!


why can't we just let it be???

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  • 1 year later...

I wrote a long 5 pager beginning with the first breakup with my ex during the winter, but then had to revise it 4 more times as we would reconcile and then she'd break up with me again, the last and final time 2 months ago. It's pretty funny actually when I read it now, because, with each breakup, I had more stuff to say and things I thought I'd come to understand about what she did and why she did it, but in fact none of it makes much sense!


I am so glad I didn't send any of the versions of this ongoing masterpiece...lol

It just showed me how totally emotionally emeshed I was with this woman and how very little I understood about her real motives for leaving me. It was as if I was trying to fill in all the gaps of information she didn't provide me about why she ended it and when. When I feel like calling her now (I'm in day 71 NC) I sometimes read this letter and it's such a jumpled, pathetic compilation of neediness and resent -filled indignation that it stops me in my tracks from even considering calling her or seeing her. The longer I get from the breakup the more stupid the relationship itself, my behavior and my speculation for why it ended gets. lol....

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Everyone can relate to this. What were you drinking? It's my experience that beer and wine will lead to sappy letters that get you nothing but pitty, whiskey will lead to anger and hostility, tequila will lead to a one sentence reply 3 days later with " * * * dude? Have you lost your sheet?", and Sambuca will actually get you laid. Seriously, it works. Don't believe me? Go down half a bottle of Sambuca, wait until about 1am, and then spill your guts. You'll have her back within 48 hours.

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ah, i did the letter thing too and now i get to sit with knowledge that he can read it all over again anytime he wants. but i don't feel too embarrassed about it because i was being completely honest and that's a quality i'd like to keep in myself. i also look at it as my say. the break-up was his say without my input. well, damnit, i've things to say about it as well. when i gave him the letter he told me i was idealizing the relationship but i really don't care what he thinks because he was in justify-the-breakup mode. in the end, he'll see that someone sincerely cared for him and he cast her away.


feel better!

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