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How much details is too much?


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Everyone is different and each relationship is different.

I don't think there is black and white answer for that.


I can sense the man I am currently dating gets a little uncomfortable with even the mention of some benign thing that happened in my past if it involves an ex.


Therefore, we just don't go there. I can clearly sense he wouldn't want to know details about my sex life!


My previous serious relationship was all about full disclosure. There was never an awkward moment giving or receiving information about our previous lives.


Both is ok. . just different.

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Unless you have an STD, your previous sex life in not your partners concern.


If you have been reading the threads, it causes nothing but problems and since it is in the past, it cannot be changed. It can only be harangued.

It is a mistake of the very young --- or people worried about numbers or experience.


If someone wanted to know every detail, they would not remain a partner.


In your instance --- sex life, and sexual orientation are NOT the same.

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Depends on the age. I think it important to reveal virginity, sure. But 1,2, 10, 100 partners?


Not really. UNLESS the potential partner has a strong value about the "number" and you exceed it. Even then, you just part ways.


Any details? None, nada.


One should always reveal STDs though.

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I consider that to my business only, unless of course incurable stds are involved.


My ex and I exchanged numbers, which did not bother me. His number was a little repulsive, but I got past it. I would consider sharing that again, but probably not. Anything else I would not consider sharing at all.

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Rule of thumb, never ask and never tell. Learned this the hard way. ANY details = pain to your loved one. Nothing good can EVER come of it.


They only thing that should concern you and your partner is:

a) Porn or Nudes

b) STDs

c) high # of sexual partners


Rest, whatever

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Unless you have an STD, your previous sex life in not your partners concern.


If you have been reading the threads, it causes nothing but problems and since it is in the past, it cannot be changed. It can only be harangued.

It is a mistake of the very young --- or people worried about numbers or experience.


If someone wanted to know every detail, they would not remain a partner.


In your instance --- sex life, and sexual orientation are NOT the same.

Oh no it I wasn't thinking about my relationship. Just in general

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Everyone is different and each relationship is different.

I don't think there is black and white answer for that.


I agree. I don't feel obligated to tell my bf about my prior sexual experiences, but we certainly have both disclosed a little information about our pasts here and there. Usually if it's part of a funny story. Some things are just silly, and neither of us is jealous or weird about it.

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