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The Honest Man


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Here's another one from last year, to one of my many unrequited loves....


The Honest Man (For Louisa) [March 2004]

Time after time, he had waited,

For his match - a lonely life he had

Led - for he didn't want to play

The games that everyone else played...


In his heart, all he had was

Faithfulness and honesty.

He knew nothing of the deceit

And darkness that others lived by.


Himself, the universe, God, everyone else -

He blamed, when each time he tried,

And each time he was thwarted,

For love passed him by.


Many times, when weaker souls

Would have crumbled and taken

Themselves to the next world,

He still found strength to continue.


He watched so many times,

As unworthy suitors stole the

Affections of his beloved - he

Was helpless to stop it...


Beyond the surface, he looked,

For he knew the trueness was

To be found inside - all he

Wanted was someone who felt


The same way, who would

Share his dreams, and share

His hopes.

But the World is Cruel.


And dreams rarely do come

True, though a songbird once

Sang such a sweet song,

That melted the hardest of hearts.


Oneness was all he cared about,

The Oneness of Perfect Love.

True Beauty is found beyond the

Surface - where he always looked.


He grew tired of waiting - so

Many times in the past, he had

Waited, and love never came along.

But this time he felt different.


Someone who understood him,

And saw him for what he was inside.

He too, saw the goodness inside

That she held.


Like before, though, somebody else

Already kept his beloved's heart.

He could do nothing but sit back

And cry inside - wondering when


His noble time would come,

That he could fulfil his destiny,

And be the Knight of Amour Shining,

That he so longed to be....

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