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Another night bites the dust....

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I have a conflict and I know u can help me. I saw my ex yesterday (yes...i know...shocking) well as for me it was... I have to admit that we had a wonderful time and all. And he just emailed me this morning stating the same . He also said that he wants to hang out again tonight! I said yes. Soooo...what should I do now? Yesterday i didnt mention anything about the realtionship...sould I mention something tonight or just go with the flow...Please Help!

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I have a conflict and I know u can help me. I saw my ex yesterday (yes...i know...shocking) well as for me it was... I have to admit that we had a wonderful time and all. And he just emailed me this morning stating the same . He also said that he wants to hang out again tonight! I said yes. Soooo...what should I do now? Yesterday i didnt mention anything about the realtionship...sould I mention something tonight or just go with the flow...Please Help!


Esboogie, I am basically going thru the same thing. If you see him again tonite, I wouldnt bring up the past. Currently, that has been what I have been doing with my EX... I am wanting to go slow, etc... She has other ideas at the moment, but I am still trying this first. And it seems to be working, but tomorrow who knows.


Eventually you will want to talk about the issues at hand, but I personally think now is not that time. See if you want to be with him first, then deal with the issues openly and honestly if need be later. Do what

is best for you and don't feel bad if you have to disappoint him. Also, I am not saying that this his intention, but make sure it isnt just a booty call.....


Good luck with tonite, and let us know how it goes....

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lololol...nah...if anything im the one using him for a booty call..lolol But seriously speaking...yesterday it felt like old times...i thank god that i didnt bring up the past and just took it slow...I not only surprised myself but i know for a fact I surprised him b/c I know me mentioning the past ws what he thought I would do. So your right...I will take it slow and just appreciate each moment w/no fighting for once.



ilse...Your right girl...I did and he has said the same to me..BUT its sooo hard- especially when u love that person sooo much...so im going to take this giant step right now and except everything thats coming my way and if its not meant to be then i ould now know that HE WAS NOT THE ONE...even with the chance of him trying to just "rekindle" at the moment. ya know...but I will definitely keep you guys posted whether im or u guys will know!!!


Once again, i feel like you guys are like my fam...thanks sooo much for caring!!!!

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lololol...nah...if anything im the one using him for a booty call..lolol But seriously speaking...yesterday it felt like old times...i thank god that i didnt bring up the past and just took it slow...I not only surprised myself but i know for a fact I surprised him b/c I know me mentioning the past ws what he thought I would do. So your right...I will take it slow and just appreciate each moment w/no fighting for once.


Well, hopefully this will work for us. I wish there were a blueprint of how to get back with someone, or get over someone, but we dont have that. So, I am almost killing my EX with kindness so to speak. It seems better than forcing something or fighting, like you say.


Forgiveness is the first step if you want to move forward in your

relationship, holding a grudge will only make matters worse. So, instead just show them who they fell in love with in the first place, plus now that we have grown from our mistakes.... Hopefully this will work.

Now, with that said, I know I have changed, my EX really hasnt, so you need to be weary of that too. When she wants to fight, or whatever, it has gotten to me, but then I will try and change the subject, or I know its time to leave....

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WoW iT amazes me how much your stories remind me of mine,Take things slow but be cautious make sure you dont get you or him to comfortable with the fact that you are not together because he will feel he can have you without commitment,Trust me girl! I know it's hard just try your best to be strong if things do work out or even dont!

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