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Making love


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On Friday night, my boyfriend and I made love for the first time.

It's actually a bit of a funny story, but I won't go into details. We are so in love and so happy and it was amazing to finally have sex. It was really nothing like I had expected - and no pain or anything, which was quite nice.


When we did it for a second time, we tried with me on top. The thing is, I really didn't feel very much at all... I enjoyed it nevertheless, because of the closeness with my boyfriend, but I felt like something was missing. Will it get more pleasureable over time? Is it just because I don't really know what I'm doing? Or do some women just not get pleasure out of being on top, or physical pleasure from sex in general?



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Well, first off... congrats on this new level in yall's relationship! As far as your question, it really depends on the woman. Not every chick is going to enjoy being on top, doesn't hit her G-spot, etc. You just have to find out what YOU enjoy and just go from there. No one can tell you what you should feel, expect, or do -- if you are in love with the person, things will just happen naturally. Good luck!

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Every woman is unique and will feel pleasure in different ways. This is a new level of intimacy for you both in your relationship and it may take a little while to be truly relaxed and comfortable with eachother. Things will progress naturally and you will, in time, find which positions are most pleasurable for you.

You may find that this position does become more pleasurable over time as you gain confidence in yourself and feel more relaxed with your partner. It all comes naturally and every person has their own style and rhythm. Just relax and enjoy, you will know what you enjoy as time progresses. Congrats on getting to this stage with your partner. Good luck!

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As far as I hear, many women can not reach orgasam and climax through intercourse. Some can't initially and later do, some just never can.


Hint: If you really can't orgasm through intercouse....

whisper* maybe fake it...*whisper


NEVER tell someone to fake it!


If women expect they are going to have to fake it yet again, and worry about faking it, they will only delay real orgasms. Many women get trapped in a cycle of faking it always and believe they can't even have a real one, and so don't!


If you cannot orgasm through intercourse there is no shame in that, many women can't. A few lucky ones can through penetration (myself included) but most need clitoral stimulation. So if you are not getting there, let him KNOW what he can do to help (it helps if you yourself know how to orgasm through masturbation). Direct his hands/fingers/tongue to your clitoris and let him know what you like. He can also use his penis to rub your clitoris.


A lot of it is mental too...just relax, don't worry about getting there, as the more you worry the less chance you will have of reaching O!


Esprit, congrats, it sounds like it went very well for you two Have fun exploring this new part of your relationship. As for the being on top part, it may just take some experimentation on your part - perhaps you are not feeling entirely comfortable up there yet either, usually this is a popular position as you are able to guide his stroke more and how far he is in, and what he hits. But try it in different ways. Don't sit straight up all the time - try leaning way back (this gives him good access to rub your clitoris too) or lean forward (good friction this way), or even turn around so you are facing his feet and lay way forward or way back (I like this one).


All will give you a different feeling and perhaps allow for more friction/pleasure on your part.

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