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What does it mean?


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There's a girl I'm starting to like. We see each other often around other friends. She's playful and pokes me a lot. She's fun to be with and we make each other laugh a lot. If I look serious she'll find a way to get me to laugh and stop looking serious, and it's easy for me to make her laugh. She asked to hang out a couple of times. The first time, when I dropped her off she said "goodnight brother" and just put her hand on my stomach before going. She still wants to hang out, but now she says I'm like a teddy bear. She also made a comment last time I saw her that started with "like if you and me were to have sex".


Not really sure what to make of it. In general she's playful and I kind of feel like a little kid around her and I like her. Any insight?

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I feel like there's more to the story than you are telling us. What kind of comment is "like if you and me were to have sex" ? What was that conversation about? We need more background information here. Who just puts their hand on your stomach? What the heck is up with that? Again, elaborate/open up the background story a bit.


Honestly, it sounds like she sees you as more of a friend than a potential romantic match. Sorry. Some girls are just flirty, and some people need to know they are liked/wanted by several people in order to boost their ego.

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I feel like there's more to the story than you are telling us. What kind of comment is "like if you and me were to have sex" ? What was that conversation about? We need more background information here. Who just puts their hand on your stomach? What the heck is up with that? Again, elaborate/open up the background story a bit.


Honestly, it sounds like she sees you as more of a friend than a potential romantic match. Sorry. Some girls are just flirty, and some people need to know they are liked/wanted by several people in order to boost their ego.


I kinda figured it wasn't romantic, but felt there might be mixed messages. Had breakfast with her now and she said "teddy bear" again which I guess is the same as "brother". To be honest, I don't remember exactly what came after. She had been talking about another guy who she was fwb with.

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I don't think "Teddy Bear" and "brother" necessarily means that you've been doomed into the friend zone. I think the fact that she's talked about what sex would be like with you is way more telling. But like another poster said, the context in which that came up is pretty important. You won't know unless you go for it. If it freaks her out and she doesn't talk to you again, really; who cares? Do you really need a "friend" who's nothing more than a reminder of unrequited feelings?

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