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Shall I talk to this Girl again?


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I need some advice, there is this Girl who's in some of my University classes. For a while everyone told me that she liked me, and I was unsure. She started sitting by me randomly in class for a while, Here were some signs

She would giggle or smile at anything I'd be saying.

She seemed really talkative.

She would often stare at my lips or eyes when I would be talking.

She would ask me questions.

She would talk really fast around me.

She'd smile and stare after I would say something.

She'd talk about her friends and family a lot around me. After a few times of getting to know her, I thought I'd ask her for a Coffee whenever we see each other next. One time she sat near me but she seemed very cold towards me for some reason, she didn't seem chatty or anything, I asked her what was wrong, and she said everything was fine. This was around Bonfire night, now I'm not sure if this was a sign or not, some have said yes, others no. Later on she mentioned bonfire night randomly and she seemed flustered, she was like "uh it's Bonfire night, I'm meeting my friends" Maybe I could have been more forward, but I thought to give her space because she seemed a bit annoyed. I told her to have fun with friends, and she just went quiet again. Since then I've talked to her twice, and she seemed neither chatty or quiet. I got weird signals from her, she stopped sitting by me but in every class, she sits on the nearest table too me and gives me eye contact from the corner of her eye, as soon as I look, she looks away, and she lingers/hovers around me after class too. Last week was weird, I seen her in th University cafe, and there were like tables everywhere, and her and her friends sat right infront of us, as soon as me and her friends left, they all went silent. Once last week too this Girl even smiled my way. What I find weird though is that I recently sent a friend request, and she denied it kinda quick, Shall I even bother talking to her anymore? She is also not friends with anyone who's on the course.


I'm annoyed by these signals, my friends thought that she liked me, do you think this Girl has social anxiety? The reason I ask this is because she chooses to sit on her own in class, and she never speaks out or volunteers in class. I suffer with it a bit too, but it has gotten better with me over the months. My friends admitted today that they didn't like this Girl because she always seems angry towards people.


I feel like I should say Hi to not make it awkward between us, but on the other hand she could be rude towards me. Tell me if I'm in the wrong guys, I personally think I didn't do anything to offend her, the only thing I have is that I can be socially awkward myself at times due to my anxiety. But I've gotten better at it over the past year. Could she be the same, or is she just rude?

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I'm assuming she tried to show you signals she liked you, and since you never took the bait, she gave up. Ask her for coffee. If she accepts, at the end of your coffee date, ask her out for dinner for the weekend. What's the worst that could happen? She could say no and you could pat yourself on the back for taking a risk, even though it didn't pan out, and move on. If she says yes, your life could take a whole new direction, hopefully a positive one. Stop being so afraid. You'll never succeed in life if fear holds you back. I've been rejected plenty in my life. So what. I survived. I still put myself out there and eventually it got me to the life I deserve, since some of the risks worked out great.

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I hope you are studying to be a police detective- you definitely have the skills for that profession as far as cataloging in your memory every gesture, remark and possible "sign" from a person. However, this sort of thing doesn't serve you well in dating. Are you interested in her? If yes, then ask her to coffee. If no, keep doing nothing and you will assure yourself of not dating her.

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Is it me who's in the wrong or is this Girl strange? I sent a friend request on Facebook, she declined it, then a day later she tried making conversation with me in class, 2 days later I asked if she wanted to sit by me, she was like "um I'm okay thanks, I'll stay at the back" and when I was making conversation, she seemed really nervous and was saying um a lot. Today in class, she was sitting opposite me, and was copying my body language, and smiled twice at me, I'm confused. After class I was about to say hi, but she had headphones on, looked my way then looked down at the floor when she was walking past me

Also I overheard 3 people in my class talking about this Girl and they were saying that she seems unapproachable

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