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Said things I regret to my friend,how do i get over bein mad

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Ok, my friend has been dating this girl for a couple of days and he keeps telling me all that he's gonna do with her etc etc. Ever since he's dated her me and him have had BBBBIIIGGGG problems! He said he would break up with her so we could stay good but I don't want him to because I believe that he really likes her. The thing is.. I am just so mad, its distracting me all the time! I didn't even go to school today becuz im in such a bad mood and feel depressed and all. When I think about the things he says he is going to do with her, it just makes me even more mad and I can't stand it.


I am sort of afraid that he's gonna kindof forget about me and I don't want that. He's gonna go to the pool with her every day of the summer this summer and I cant even go to the pool... (i cant go to the pool because of my hair problem that ive told about) i feel like we're just gonna be torn apart. Then on weekend he wants to go skating with her and to the movies ... he's 14 yrs old geez. Maybe someone knows how I feel... I never even got a chance with the girl that I "REALLY LOVE".


I can see them at the mall walking, holding hands... then kissing... all of this is just making me hurt so bad- and I've said a lot of thigns to him that I regret, they weren't really bad things, but I still feel bad. He's afraid we won't be friends after the summer so I just told him "why are we even talking then? it seems like just a waste of time"...


someone pleasae help me - how do i get over this?

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I've read about your pool problem - I wont go eitehr for the same reason, and im in a similar situation with one of my friends as you are. Hey we are the same age maybe its just a stage we're going through...


Maybe you should just talk to him about it and tell him how you feel, maybe he could talk to her and lay things off for a little. But could be mad and hate you for it if he feels like you "ruined everything".


Maybe you could try to find a girl tha you want to do all of those things with like he does. Then you could all 4 do it together


hope i helped.

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It can be very difficult when one of your best friends gets involved with someone. Apparently you mean a lot to your friend; he indicated that he would break up with her if this was too difficult for you. However, I think you would be a really great friend to your friend if you found a way to let him 'free' in his love.


I understand it's difficult to see romance when your life has zero romance in it. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt


I think the problem is not your friendship by itself. He sounds like a really good friend, and he wants to see you happy. Just try to arrange your plans with him in a way that he has time for the both of you. I would avoid a situation where you sort of put an ultimatum out there where he would have to choose between her and you.


Hope you feel better soon,



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If you make him choose you or her, then even if he chooses you, it will ruin your friendship. Don't let him break up with her because of you.


OK, let's see. Can you find something else to do this summer, so you don't need to spend all your time with him?


And, with the pool problem, I understand it's from too much hair. What about using a product to remove it chemically, like Nair for Men.


It's not expensive. link removed prices it at $5.99 for eight ounces.


Follow the directions, if you use it.

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Hmmmm I am a little concerned that your friend being happy makes you angry. You should be happy for your friend. Sure its natural to be a little jealous that he has a great girl but to be as mad as you are, doesnt seem normal to me.


I think that you should just act normally towards him still hang out with him, invite him to do the stuff you used to do but just accept that yes he will want to spend time with his new gf. Prehaps you should go and make some new friends and hang out with other people, not to get back at him but just so you have other options when he is hanging out with his girlfriend.


I know it can be hard but it is not worth all of your anger, if you stay this angry it may end your relationship with him..Be careful.

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