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What are your phobias?

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I was just wondering what phobias people have on here.


I don't know the exact name for mine, but mine is roaches.

Only the large ones though.

I know it's from a couple of childhood experiences that I've grown up with this phobia. I DETEST them with a passion.


I would honestly rather walk through a roomful of snakes, spiders, or rats(they don't bother me) than a room full of roaches(I'm sure many people would disagree). But that's seriously how much I hate them. They are disgusting.

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I hav ben incredibly scared of donkeys ever since I was five...I started crying two years ago on our gifted biology's class trip to the zoo. The teacher wanted us to go into the petting zoo and do some kind of assignment for school, but I was so afraid because there were two donkeys in there and oh wow...The teacher thought I was just slacking off until I started bawling...It's kinda funny looking back on it...

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This is a fun site to look at. It is a list of all documented phobias.


Some people must have some real problems!!!


I don't have any phobias really, accept maybe I am scared of water snakes to that points.....buuurr they give me chills just thinking about them, ewww leeches, soooooo nasty!

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Well, I have a few phobias. The two main ones are spiders and heights.


I'm not sure what it is about spiders as I have no problem with other creatures like them, nor do I have a problem with tarantulas!


The heights one is probably more a fear of falling from a height than anything else - I love flying and I'm fine on chairlifts or cable cars.

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Well, I am scared of spiders. But also their resembling flying family, I don't know their name. They look like thin spiders with wings, or really large musquito's although they don't bite.


I am not fond of snakes and worms either. But I as I live in the North and don't have a garden, I can pretty much live my life without ever being confronted with them. 8-[


Once I had a spider at the outside of my window. This is the window that my desk is placed in front of, so whenever I would look out of the window, I would first see this stupid spider.


I lived with closed curtains for a week, daily checking if spider was still living outside my window. Then I realized I was 24 years old, and should be ashamed of myself. Which didn't really help, because in the end I went to my next door neighbour who was glad to do a manly thing for a pathetic girl. He grabbed a long stick and opened the window next to the window that was the home of spider. He ruined the cobweb and spider fell down.




He never came back and I could enjoy my view again.


Just for the record, in most other respects I am a really normal girl.




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Thats a funny story ilse.


I once saw an earwig in my room a couple years ago and I refused to go in there for a long time after. They are only out for a couple months during the year. So I slept on my sisters bedroom floor. Then a couple nights later I saw one in her room, so I freaked out and so I then slept on my brother's bedroom floor. I just hate those things so much.

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I hate ladybugs. Not to the point where I faint if I see one, but being around them makes me start to feel really uncomfortable, checking my hair to make sure they're not in there, makes me itch, etc.


And growing old. I really really don't want to. I want to stop at about 23.



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