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Is this bad?


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Well to start off, this is a hyptothetical question. You see, my friend writes fiction stories, and this is the topic of his next one. He wants me to help write some with him. I put this in the parenting section because it fits with the story. Sadly this probably happens to some people in real life.


This is what the story is going to be about. There is a boy, and his sister. Him and his sister are 2 years apart in age. When he was born up until age 7, his parents would always treat him nicely. They were always kind and caring towards him and his sister. But once he was 8 years old and his sister 10, they started treating the both of them rough. They would stop being emotionally there for them. Both of the kids would constantly get yelled at and ridiculed by their parents. When they turned 11 and 13, that is when the name calling, and physical abuse started. The boy was constantly worried, him and his sister had absolutely no outlet whatsoever. They had no one but each other. They had no one they could tell. When they got a little older 15 and 17, it got worse. By this time, both of them were in a deep depression, they just could not find a way out of. The boy tried confronting his parents about it, every time he did, they continued to push him away. His sister had enough of it. She went up to their parents, sat them down and really explained what her and her brother needed and were going through. They told her to get over it, and that she was a drama queen, and if she told somebody that no one would believe her or her brother. So the question is, is this harming to a person? How do you think this would play out, say when the boy and girl are 20 and 22, would it still effect them by those ages?

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After following your threads since you have joined ENA, your "fictional story" sounds very much like your very own real life story. What's the purpose of your "friend's story"? Is this for a school assignment?


The purpose of his story, is for an extra credit project at school.

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