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sooo confused should i end it?

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I really like my girlfriend alot. But I really don't get to see her that often, we have been going out for over two months and I have only seen her twice. We had been best friends since before we got together. Spending time with someone is a very important part of a relationship and now I really don;t know if we should break up or stay together. What are your thoughts?

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If she is not even willing to talk to you about yall's relationship, then you might want to take a good look and see whether or not YOU want to continue something that the other person may not. Why make yourself available and not have it reciprocated? That just doesn't seem fair, especially considering that communication is the key to any type of relationship.

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I think you need to stress to her the importance of talking about alternative ways of communicationa and seeing each other, to her. If it is simply that she can't be bothered or doesn't have the time maybe you should consider where your relationship is going, and wether you wish to persue it.

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