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What are you listening to? Part 13


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Life of Agony is a band that I listened to when I was in high school. They are a Pantera/Biohazard type with a sprinkling of Type-O-Negative.


Most of their lyrics dealt with alienation and rising above The Man. Tough-guy bravado was the latest trend in metal bands back then. I figured Life of Agony was riding the wave. And rightly so, because they were good, and Kieth Caputo sounded appropriately tough.


What a surprise it was to find out that Kieth Caputo was transgender, that he identified more as a woman than he did as the tough guy that his voice projected! Kieth Caputo is now Mina Caputo.


So, it seems these words were not just empty words when Kieth sang them:


If you don't walk with me,

I will walk alone

Hard enough to believe in myself

When I know they don't believe in me

Unwilling to change for society

I'll be who I want to be


[video=youtube;l-tl6AinvSc] ]


Good for her. It takes a lot of bravery for someone to come out like that, especially in a genre with so much machismo. Mina Caputo seems like a real decent soul.

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