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Would an artistic man date an un-artistic woman?


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Do artistic guys (such as those who play instruments, are in bands, draw, paint, write, etc.) like to date those who have no artistic talents?


I take interest in these things, I just can't do any of it to save my life. My skills lie more in athletic abilities. But I'm learning that I am attracted to many of the creative, artistic types. Do artistic guys just write off us who are not?


This is just a question I was wondering today, as I'm finally back on the market (and enjoying it so much). A friend of mine and I were having coffee (well, hot chocolate for me) and he said it probably wouldn't matter to him; however I know he was just thinking of me when he said that. I am a fairly decent writer if I'm taking some political standpoint. What would others say? Is nonartistic ability (even if they really try) a turn off?

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I am very artistic (drawing, painting, etc) but I have NEVER dated anyone with much artistic talent of any sort to be honest! Yup, sitting here thinking back, never happened!


I seem to always end up with engineers who think in numbers and logic, rather than colours and abstract thinking! But, it has always been complimentary and I would not decide not to date someone who is not artistic. Everyone has their own talents and strengths, and they can all live together Those I dated had their own talents to bring to the table, and it made them them...so no, don't worry about it!

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I too am an artist. I would never hold being unartisitic against anyone. I have dated artisitic and unartisitic people.


Actually, I have heard, and expirienced first hand that sometimes two artisitc people can be pretty uncompatable. But that isn't always the case.

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It's never really mattered to me, although I would consider it a plus. As long as the same moral values and beliefs are shared, I'm down for any girl whether she's an artist too, a soccor player, or some kinda scientist. Although I'm very artistic, none of my girlfriends considered themselves artists. I just believe that everyone has a creative side to them, sometimes, they just haven't discovered it yet.

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I'm pretty artistic i can play about 5 or 6 instruments and pretty much anything you put in my hands and i have dated the girl that was mono-tone and the girl that could play the guitar and a great singer but yeah pretty much a guy dont care if your artistic or not and if they are gonna hold that aginst you then that guy aint even worth your time.

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