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Difference between men and women handling breakups....interesting article

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The article also linked to another article, regarding the scientific suggestion that talking about a breakup is the best way to get over it: . I think this article has a lot of value, which is why many of us are on this site. For me, this site was invaluable to be able to share stories and read similar situations, or situations I wanted to be in. I was having a tremendously difficult time getting over a breakup, but as I continued to read stories and participate where I felt I had a similarity, I was able to release much of the emotions trapped inside. Lots of good information in both of these articles.

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Interesting article. I have a Theory 3: Men tend to be the ones to initiate the relationship. They made the choice that, yes, THIS particular human is the one I want to spend my time with. Even if he is not as happy with his choice down the road as he thought he might, because it was his impetus and effort to get things going he may be less likely to be the one to end it. The woman in this dynamic is the one who is trying the relationship on, rather than actually choosing her human, and going to be more likely to change her mind later and say no.


I guess that ignores the people who chase and then discard, who knows how it falls out statistically.

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The article also linked to another article, regarding the scientific suggestion that talking about a breakup is the best way to get over it: . I think this article has a lot of value, which is why many of us are on this site. For me, this site was invaluable to be able to share stories and read similar situations, or situations I wanted to be in. I was having a tremendously difficult time getting over a breakup, but as I continued to read stories and participate where I felt I had a similarity, I was able to release much of the emotions trapped inside. Lots of good information in both of these articles.


That could also explain men taking longer to get over it, because they are less socialized to want to talk about it.

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