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Just a big thankyou!


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So about 18months ago i came to this forum, never registered but i read alot of threads! And it helped me alot


So yeah me and my partner of 2 years split up 18 months ago, due to a few reasons, nothing major but it was enough! During the first week of us splitting up i did everything wrong, i begged for her to give us another chance, it didnt work! So i went no contact!


We went NC for about 2 months, so one day i was sat at home and my phone went off, she text me asking how i was bla bla bla, over the course of a few days we was texting each other quite alot, so we deceided to meet up for a meal!


From that point everything just went great, we sat down a talked about the issues we had before and that if we was gonna try again we wouldnt let them happen again!


So i am here 18 months since we split up, i asked her to marry me about 2 months ago she said YES, whoohoo! We just found out about 3 weeks ago that she is pregnant, and to top it off we have just moved it our own house!


I am so happy right now its unbelieveable, and i just wanted to come on here and say thank you, and sometimes getting back together does happen, dont give up

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