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something about attraction

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hello all im back. hope you all didtn miss me too much. im back with my curiosity as usual. as a little boy, i never believed that girls liked boys. as a grown young man, im still finding it hard that women like men. you hardly show it. its like we men are the horny ones and you women are just calm. do you like men, if yes, how much, and why. beats me why anybody should like a guy. they are just plain animals that love to play all the time. help me out.

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well double j the thing is its so hard for me to understand why a woman would like to be with a man for romantic reasons. women dont play like men and to me, men look plain, unattractive, and are horny. and personally, i havent seen too many women look at guys. and plus guys have hair on the face. what about that, to me, its like loving an animal. no offense guys, ladies help out cos i just dont get it. i dont think id like guys if i were a girl and plus you know they always want to bone you. how those that make you ladies feel.

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Yeah, i also think it's a really interesting question. I read somewhere that researches have identified that at certain age in our childhood, we develop "sympathy" for others. Sympathy is developed, though, from our own feelings. But the interesting part is that there isn't yet a label for development where we know we are different from other people. That's when we get mixed up on how we think and how others think. That mistake is more obvious to ones who tries to read people's mind but are actually speaking out their own mind. That's where your question links in. It is difficult to imagine that there are two different types of people. It also suggests that without actual experience with the opposite sex, we wouldn't know the best way to treat that different person.

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I don't believe the needs of a woman is that much different than of a man's. The big difference is the level of communication that we have and use to attract each other. Let me give you an example: Man sees a woman smile at him, he would think, "Wow, she wants to have sex with me." Woman sees a man smile at her, she would think, "Hey, he's a nice guy." Of course that's a bit to the extreme but I don't think it is that far from the truth. Am I saying that women don't like to have sex? No, but they are more subtle about it because of the way our society is structured and how girls cannot be s!uts while guys can be players.

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There are definitely woman who acts like men and men acting like woman. In fact, I think the asian culture lean towards a more, what the western culture would call a feminine & sensitive personality in the last 2 generations. (definitely excluding Korea) I don't quite remember, but i think i've read a review of a book that was talking about this phenomenon of why female are slowly taking over.


I also agree that the level of communication is one of the bigger differences in both male and female. But I would assume you have quite an easy going personality to be able to communicate well with female. Personally, I am definitely having trouble. There are always too many misunderstanding perceptions going on that eventually leads to resentment in both sides. I'm working hard to identify and smoothen these situations. Furious, perhaps you can give me a cue or two.

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Interesting, your a guy and your naming every male sterotype there is. I'm sure that itself would be appealing to alot of girls.


Seriously, I think the problem lies in the fact that your being to critical of guys. Not all of us are horny animals who can't control ourselves. How old are you? You sound young, so it could just be that you are more mature than most of the guys your age. I've always felt the same way, thinking that most of the guys I was around were childish and that girls were better in general. But the idea that men are animals and that women are angels is just a sterotype that isn't true. Some men can be just as nice and caring as women, and some women can be just as much an animal as men.

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