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This question is for all the lovely ladies


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This question is for all the lovely ladies. Please, every woman respond to this. I know everyone has an opinion, so please feel free to voice it.


I know every woman is different and prefer different things. But I just wanted to know what women find sexy in a man. I.E. Cloths? Hair Style? What physical characteristics are most attractive? I.E. eyes, smile, complexion, etc.. And what emotional and mental characteristics are most attractive? I.E. confidence, assertiveness, aggressiveness, kindness, etc...


For example, how, when you look at someone, are you initially attracted to that person? Even before they speak. Just by the way they walk into a room or the way they are sitting in a chair, etc...


And for my other question. If a guy comes up to you, and compliments you, whether you know him or not, how would be the best way to do that without making you feel uncomfortable? How much is too much?


If a guy approached you, what would be the best thing for him to say? How should he act when he talks to you? Should he be touchy with you? (not sexually of course). In other words, how should they show they like you without seeming...obsessive-like?


Anything would be very helpful and i'm sure a lot of guys would get a lot out of this. So please, even if it is very subtle, respond to some of these questions. You never know who you may help. 8)

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Physical Characteristics really don't care about a guy's appearance too much. As long as he feels good about himself, I'm good with him. But I'm usually more attracted to a guy's personality anyway.[/b]


Mental Characteristics HAS to be confident. I cannot stand it when a guy isn't confident because it makes me feel kind of awkward too. It's so much easier when a guy is confident in himself, because it makes me feel confident too. I also love it when a guy does little sweet things for me. Like, leaving a flower on my locker, or just randomly sends me a balloon.[/b]


Complimenting guy did this to me once while I was having a conversation with one of my other friends. He just came over with a big smile on his face, and said "I'm sorry for interrupting, I just wanted to tell you that I think you're really beautiful." I had never met him before, and it was really awesome. Just come right out and do it =)[/b]

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I doubt what some of the ladies that will respond to this will be what you really want to do. Speaking from experience, I would go with confidence. If you are confidence, your attitude will show it. As to what to say, anything is fine really. As Chris Rock once said, "Anything a guy say to a girl, she'll her "want some d!ck?" with it." So if you say "Hi!" to a girl, she'll her "Hi! Want some d!ck?"

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Well for initial attraction. It's the eyes and hair. I do also like confident, friendly, outgoing. I also tend to go for a small to medium build body type however the guy I've fallen for is different from what I usually go for, yet I find him totally sexy and am so attracted to him. He's a little chubby, has smaller but stricking eyes, and his hair is receding a little. But damn I've never been so enamored with a guy as I am with him.

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In guys, I don't really have any certain physical characteristics..I dont like skinny skinny guys, but too buff is also a turn off..And being short, if they are too tall I just cant see it working. But I'm not overly picky. As for personality, I like humerous, smart, kind, witty..And I like a guy who gets along with everyone, easy going, relatable, and personable. And even though I like a confidant guy, overconfidance is the HUGEST turnoff. I hate a self-centered egotistical guy. And if they are too touchy, liike on one comment they fly off the handle, thats a turnoff. Basically, just a nice, normal, confidant, smart and humerous guy. But how many of them really exist? haha

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Everything works together to make a guy attractive. Physical features and his personality both matter. Personality matters MUCH more though. 8) Speaking from experience, there is a guy I know who is TOTALLY gorgeous, but has a "jerky" personality, so I don't find him attractive at all. There's another guy who isn't THAT good looking, yet ALL the girls seem to fall for him. It's mostly about attitude, even if you arn't good looking, there's a 100% chance of getting the girl you want if you've got the right attitude, approach and personality.

How else would you explain the gorgeous girls who are dating the "not so good looking" guys? (and some of them arn't rich either)

Be charming, a gentleman, polite, confident, treat her with respect, appriciate her, make her feel special, be adventurous(but in a sane way), a bit mysterious, deep, smart, humorous, can hold a conversation, and just basically make her feel that she matters the most to you, because it's VERY hard to resist someone who wants you so bad


"Never let the fear of striking out, keep you from playing the game"

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i like tall thin guys, big, usually dark, eyes, big features in general.


well, the thing is, different girls want different things.

Not all girls go for the muscular, geneirc featured, symmetrical but boring looking guys you see in dolly magazines (yawn).

BUT, what does make a guy/person attractive is confidence and self assuredness, a good sense of self, whoever you may be

HOWEVER, that does not guarantee someone will fall in love with you.

They may be attracted to these things but not IN LOVE with you.

Love just happens.

Having confidence in yourself and projecting that definitely aids in the process of finding love though, because if you don't love yourself, noone else will.

If you want to be with you, other people will too.


Energy spreads

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