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Getting Wrinkles....but im too young!

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Hi all,


I have a problem... underneath my eyes im getting serious wrinkles, i did start to notice them when i was like 16 but now they have got ALOT worse! and the problem is...im only 17!! and im scraed the time in 20 im going to have wrinkles not to imagine what im going to be like when im 50..


I know what the problem is...to many late nights, and to much playing computer and constently watching a monitor/tv screen (im in front of a screen from when i wake up until i go to bed)


I know that however many early nights and less looking at a screen it wont make them disapear or go away so I was thinking of wrinkle cream but its kinda embarasing to get from somewhere like boots and i dont know if it works? i know my mum n dad use it so i could always steal theres when there not looking..ha


but its getting worse because ppl are starting to notice and tell me that im getting wrinkles...


Any suggestions or am i just being paranoid? but seriously im getting scared as they are getting REALLY big and really noticiable, getting pretty deep now and wide....

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Yes, use moisturizers to the max. I heard that girls should start using night cream moisturizers at age 16 even!


Also diet is very important. Do you drink a lot of coffee and caffeinated products? Do you eat well and exercise? Get enuf sleep, as TouchNasty said? You should definitely increase your intake of vegetables and fruits. You can do this by juicing, salads, muching whole fruits. But the best way is juicing whole fruits and vegetables.


My skin clears up and looks brighter when I've taken carrot-apple-orange juices, spinach-pineapple-touch of mint juice, beet-strawberry-apple juice. These are all delicious, even if they don't sound like it. I am as we speak drinking spinach pineapple. You don't even taste the spinach, esp. if you put enough p.a and wholejuice this in a base of some fruit juice.


Take a good brank of Multivitamins too! Vitamin E is great for wrinkles. Vitamin C is found is young elastic skin.


Another secret is to use anti-stretch cream, which I read in a magazine actually reduces wrinkles. This has worked a little for me, though I don't have too too many at this point.


Your undereye wrinkles probably don't look as bad as you think though.



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True about the genetic component. There is nothing we can do about the genes we inherit. But we absolutely can rejuvenate and build mature cells even into our 90s if we work at it. I can cite a reference from the "Body Rx" fitness program but would have to look this up and the bood isn't handy. This program was designed by an MD.


It's a matter of what we have to do to enhance whatever it is we need to. It's a matter of how we enhance it, what we use to deter the aging process, and targeting the areas we need work on physically.


Facial exercises are another way to keep facial muscles taught and skin elastic. There are books and videos for face building, believe it or not. You can google and find them if you want. After all, you can have a great and tone body with a young body-age and not have as young of face.


You shouldn't give up or ever be discouraged. If at long last you can't live the few wrinkles under your eyes, you can always go to a dermatologist and get advice from him/her.


Don't settle; do research and be willing to pay the cost for good health and good looks. Make the most of what you have as far as you can possibly develop yourself to be as attractive as you'd like.


Don't forget the Vitamn C--muy importante.


My sermon for the day...

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thank you for all your replies..


it isnt really a gentic thing, and i was mroe worried because of my age and that im only 17! is it to late to start getting rid of wrinkles? or have i got past that stage?


i thoguht u could only prevent them, not get rid of them

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All I do know about getting rid of wrinkles is that it seems to me that one can't "get rid" of them. Even at your age, I wouldn't worry about it unless it just bothers you so much you can't stand it. Then is when you'll have a better quality of life trying to decrease the appearance of them.


It's never too late, but people do it every day with facial muscle exercisers you see advertised on t.v.; facial exercises (there are several) including those for under eyes; cosmetic surgery, antiwrinkle creams, and especially enough sleep as was told you and the right diet.


Please listen to getting enough sleep and check out your parents and grandparents as s2s said. All of the suggestions together can keep your face and you young depending on your own physical makeup and what works best for you. Health food stores have good books for this sort of thing too.


No, it's never too late! It's more likely that you won't get rid of them, but at least decreasing them might help you feel better.



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