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I just dont know what to think right now...

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My girlfriend just went to stay at some student rooms for a while, today was her first day.


So i call her up about an hour ago and she sounds all funny and is laughing and she didnt sound like she normally does, she didnt tell me she loved me till i asked her (she normally does this a lot) and kept on gigalling through the conversation.


I ask her if she was drunk, she said no, I asked her why she was sounding strange and not like she normally does, she said she is around new people and dosent feel relaxed... but all the time she was relaxed enough to keep laughing at something...


Now i call her and there is no answer on her phone... so right now she is somewhere else out of her room and left her phone behind... arrrgghhhh i am going crazy with i guess jealousy and wondering what she is doing....


This is her first night there and she has never left her phone before, i have alwasy been able to talk to her. Bu tnow it just rings ad goes to answer phone so she is somewhere else in the student rooms... at 1am in the morning....


I dont know what i expect anyone to say, im just sitting here right now going crazy thinking about it...

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My point is that you are 10 years older and it is vital that your remember that the two of you are in different places in your lives. Remember how you were on the first day of college, having a bunch of new people around you? Its a pretty tense environment until you get used to it and make some friends.


If you get jealous and let that jealousy show, you could drive her out of your life.....especially if she makes a lot of friends at school and complains about your jealousy to them.


Wait for her to call you next, then you will know that she is missing you.....I am sure she will call soon man.....remember you have to be understanding if you choose to date younger women, they havent experienced everything you or I have and sometimes they want to experience those things. Just try to be patient with her.

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Perhaps thats the problem, i never went to colledge or university... maybe i just cant understand what goes on there and my imagination fills in the blanks for me...


i kinda gave up a lot of my life to be around her as much as possible... maybe now i see it all slipping away i am losing a lot... i dont know


Im sure she loves me and your right i mustnt let any jealousy show... its a bad road...

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