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I think my gf's coming over to my house this weekend any ideas on what to do well shes here? should we rent a movie or watch The PITT game i know most women dont like sports or college sports but i love sports, but its something to do. Also how do you know when to make a move because i dont want to go in and have her push me away but i also dont want her to if shes uncomfortable, so what signs are there to look for, and how should i intiate it? Thanks

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Here's a scenario: if you two decide you are just staying at your house and wanting to watch a movie, just let her sit down first (offer her a drink or something that way it'll be easier to allow her to sit down first), then sit close to her. If she scootches over, not a good sign lol . But if she smiles or just doesn't move over any, then that's awesome.


Next, once the movie starts try putting your arm around her or holding her hand or something like that. Don't be affraid to be touch-feely with her, remember, she IS your g/f.


Then, if you see she seems uncomfortable, which happens when you sit in one position for too long, ask her if she wants to lie down. If she says yes then you're in. Just lie behind her and put your arm around her and grab her hand. Then as the movie progresses, just caress her arms. Don't do it so soft it tickles.


then move up to the shoulders and neck, play with her hair and listen to her breathing and body language. If once, you get to her neck she starts breathing a little heavier, or if she doesn't remove your hand or ask you to stop, then just keep getting more into it. and if you feel confident enough, put your hand under her chin and gently pull her face towards you and kiss her. If she kisses you back, caress her in this order: side of the neck, down her shoulders and arms, then lean back and pull her close to you so u can rub her legs. The key to this, depending on how far you want to go with it, is to get her horny before you touch any of her sexual parts. If she's submissive to it, then always start up top.


Remember, if she doesn't want to, she'll let you know. And i'm saying this assuming you've been together for a little while? And she feels comfortable with you. You didn't give many details on how far along you two are, like if you kissed her yet or anything like that.

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YZRiderF, there's nothing wrong with asking a girl if it's okay to kiss her. I mean, you start sitting close to her, have your arm around her and say softly how you feel about her and that you'd like to kiss her and is that okay? It's better than just putting the moves on her and expecting her to say "NO!" if she doesn't want it. That could be pretty awkward, 'cause then she just wonders if you're going jump her every time you two are alone. Plus, if you ask and she says yes, you know you've got a green light.


There's plenty of other stuff you two can do; it just depends on what you both like. Listen to some music, talk about friends and stuff, play some games, watch a movie, walk around your neighborhood, make up little contests between you two (who can stand on their head, or hold their breath the longest, etc.). It's the attitude that counts, not exactly what you do. Just have a fun attitude...

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I'd just ask her what movies she likes and rent out a film that she hasn't seen yet and wants to see. Play some games like ps2 or something (I don't know if she likes them) or any hobbies that she might have you could talk about. Listen to music, just relax and have a good time. Don't worry to much.

Good luck,


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How long has she been your girlfriend? What do you usually like to do together? There are plenty of things to do: watch T.V., rent a movie, watch the game, play a boardgame, play video games, try baking something together, listen to music, or even just talk. Those are just a few ideas. Why not ask her what she's in the mood to do. The important thing is to make sure you have fun together.


As for making a move, don't think about. You'll know if the moment is right. Pay attention to how shes acting. How does she usually act if she's in the mood for kissing. And it is ok to ask her if you can kiss her. Don't worry about things and concentrate on enjoying being together.

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