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I had blinders on because I thought I could stay married to a man I now no to be a monster..he got mad at me because I wouldn't give him the car keys to go score drugs and he tried to choke me then tried to damage the car and even tried to call his family to justify that he was right so I told him to leave and i dropped him off at his friends call to get info on a restraining order I will never forgive or forget I am gong to file for a divorce.I refuse to take anymore..am I wrong. He also said that he did it because he hates me and I am dead to him I called him a coward and keep calling him a coward and told him only a coward would hit or threaten a women..he got mad because I called him a coward however if you hit a women you are one in my eyes...this was premeditated because I have a pit bull that will bite him if he even raised his voice and he put the dog outside. I told him to leave I don't need him he is a cheater and is not a man..I was angry and I was partly the blame however this was after his part...I am broken however I am not broken from this but everything that I have had to endure to get to this and I feel stupid for staying and I feel stronger because I am leaving..he also quoted you out native licences and threw it at me so I burned it and didn't say anything he came in the kitchen and said what's that smell I walked way ..I can't even cry i am in shock...this is how a couple of hours can change your life for ever..

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