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ladies, ladie, ladies...kiss on the first date?


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My question is...Do women prefer a man to try to kiss her on the first date? Or does it depend on how the date goes?

And do women prefer a guy to just try to kiss her and not say or ask about it?


This 'first kiss' question on the first date has been bothering me for some time now. I don't date that much, usually i just 'end up' with someone without even dating them first. And I know it's the whole 'confidence' thing with trying to kiss a girl. So I just wanted to know if it was cosher to kiss a girl on the first date...and if so, what kind of kiss...just a peck? long lips-lips kiss?, is it safe to use a little tongue?


any help would be awesome!

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Well, i geuss i'll say it again!


YOU CAN NOT GENERALIZE WOMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Such a simple concept, men can't wrap their heads around; i mean, am i the only guy left who's given up looking for the General Laws of Women? It's not possible to just say "oh yea, every girl kisses after ___ dates, and has sex after ___ dates, slip her the tongue here, and get to second base between here and here."


...sorry for the outburst, just havn't said it in a little while, and I like saying it...makes me feel like I've said something that makes sense; a rare occurrence


I just found out about a certain girl who i had thought about pursuing, that has gone all the way after more than one different first date/party. ( I don't want to seem too judgemental, doesn't make her a bad person, but i can't help just being turned off!) Then there are girls who want no more than a little peck for several dates. And then of COURSE the in-betweeners.


SOooooooooo.....Basically, your going to hafta read the girl, and make an educated geuss as to how far your going to get judging by how the date went, the chemestry ect, ect, ect. Hopefully it'll all go well


Maybe try this

You go 90% of the way, and let her decide the other 10%.


Good luck buddacup

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If the date went well and you two are responding positively to eachother I would attempt a kiss on the first date. This kiss is an indicator of her interest in you, however there are some girls that wont kiss on the first date but when put in that situation I wonder if they would still not kiss on the first date. It seems that you arent really gonna get specific answers to this question, kissing especially the first time is all about timing. If you dont feel it is the appropriate time then its not the right time however you dont want to wait too long.

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I personally didn't feel comfortable kissing on the first date. You're just getting to know one another. I would also hate it if the guy asked if he could kiss me. That would turn me off completely!! But, like another poster said, people are all different. Some women may not have a problem with it and others may, like myself. It just depends on the girl. If you're worried about it then don't rush it. I'm sure if things are going well a second date won't be too far down the line.

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it's funny how quickly people bite your head off. I was hoping to get more responses from women to see what they thought of this situation. of course all women are different, well actually their not. They all want the same things we do, we're just more outspoken with it. And maybe not even that anymore.

Women are just as sexual as men whether they admit it or not. Maybe even more so.

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I usually kiss on the first or second date. It really just depends on the girl I guess. There's no general answer for this. It really just depends on how you both feel about it. I would say move in for the kill when it feels right. You'll know when it's the right time.

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it's funny how quickly people bite your head off. I was hoping to get more responses from women to see what they thought of this situation. of course all women are different, well actually their not. They all want the same things we do, we're just more outspoken with it. And maybe not even that anymore.

Women are just as sexual as men whether they admit it or not. Maybe even more so.


I hope I missunderstand and this isn't a case of "i'm going to wait until I get the answer I want to hear".


What that guy (sorry I forgot the username) said was right.


If the situation is right, kiss her. If it isn't, don't. If she isn't comfortable with kissing yet, you'll know. If she is, again, you will know. But don't worry about it too much, just be confident.


p.s. never ask to kiss a girl, unless there is some special circumstance (i.e. its funny).

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For me even if the date went perfectly, I would rather wait for the kiss on the lip (no tongue) by the third date. Otherwise, if the guy waits too long, then I question if he is interested or not. I would rather not the guy ask to kiss me especially based on reading the body language. The kiss on the cheek for me doesn't cut it, it sort of reminds me when I meet my close friends who I hardly ever see & we'll kiss eachother on the cheeks. However, I have heard stories, from my friends where the guy kissed the girl on the forehand, which they especially like initially so it doesn't come off too forward. But really read the body language of the girl when you're out. Good luck

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I don't think that a girl is waiting to be kissed on a first date but rather just seeing if it all goes well and that they'll be called for a second date. A girl is usually going to give you signs that they don't mind a kiss if they really want one. But unfortunately, each girl is different so I can't help you there.

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My gf recently told me that she really wanted to kiss me on our first date so was really really disappointed not to be kissed by me.


She wasn't that upset tho, we will have been together for 2year and 2 months this Friday coming (11th) so it doesn't matter if you don't kiss the girl on the first date.


If the girl is worth hanging on to for your life, she won't be angry, same goes for the guys.



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  • 1 year later...

p.s. never ask to kiss a girl, unless there is some special circumstance (i.e. its funny).

Well, that's what i did the first time, because i was so afraid, and it went well.

If you're drunk everything goes well

Well not really asked, just said "I want to kiss you so much" and she said "what's keeping you from doing it"


Now you dont have to ask bluntly like "errr can i kiss you". I did that once and got "maybe not here, there are too many people"


But you can imply it, like for example I wear braces, and once said "i have never kissed since I got my braces, and i wonder how it feels like... can we kiss... okay that's not romantic at all, but if the girls into you she'll be okay with it. Dont expect her to say yes. She'll probably smile and look you in the eyes. you'll learn to recognise that look with experience.


Yesterday told me "i have never kissed a guy with braces" I just said "it's not that bad" and kissed here.

I never kiss out of the blues, I dont know it might work but it's too scary and brutal for the girl. You can warm up with slow and soft kisses on the cheek. If she stays close and keeps looking at you and smiling you know you'll get a kiss very soon.


Dont be stressed out, girls understand us, they know we are tense if we're inexperienced, dont be afraid to show your fear, it actually turns them on, believe me. But also stay cool, it's okay the girl is your friend she's not an ennemy that you want to conquer.


And beer, beer helps, actually i can hardly remember kissing once without having at least 1 or 2 beers before but now that I got some experience I'm sure I dont need the beer anymore.


of course all women are different, well actually their not. They all want the same things we do, we're just more outspoken with it. And maybe not even that anymore.

Women are just as sexual as men whether they admit it or not. Maybe even more so.


And what do you want ? everytime you'll want something different, sometimes you'll want to take it easy and enjoy speaking with the girl, sometimes you'll want to bury your head between her boobs, sometimes you'll just want to hold her... with every girl you might feel something slightly different. Chances are that you'll want to be friend with the girl because she's so funny and yet she wouldnt be interested in you, exept for bedding.... so it's not that easy, but yeah in a way girl and guys are quite similar, they like to enjoy that fact that they're not from the same sex


As to their sexuality I THINK that womens sexuality, true can be more intense at times (almost scary sometimes), but I think it's more an on and off thing, IMO, they'll want a guy very bad then they'll not want to see him anymore. Guys have are different desire patterns.

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I recently went on a first date with this guy. I'm normally not a kiss-on-the-first-date girl, but when he leaned over to kiss me, I didn't mind at all and reciprocated. In fact- I think I was turned on by his boldness. However, I agree with the other posts that it really depends on the girl and the type of vibe you get. I say- if you feel the chemistry and its mutual...go ahead, 'just do it'!

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