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why is it that when you're finally content with being single


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I was just meaning in General. Because what if you like someone, yet you're content with being single and you dont' really want to date anyone at the moment, and then all of a sudden that person you like starts noticing you. It's not like you can just turn them down and miss out on the opportunity to be with them. Yet, maybe you feel it won't work out at this point in time in your life? lol...i think too much. but that would be a huge predicament.

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When you are not happy being single, you end up making a lot of mistakes I think that turn people off - basically you are just trying TOO hard - you worry too much and overanalyze, you give in too much (ie expose all your feelings in chance they will fall madly for you in return).


I am sure we have all heard the saying you cannot love someone else until you love yourself first - and that is very true.


The universe does have people in our path for us, but it is about timing, and our readiness as to how things will work out with them (or not). We meet people when we are ready but when we feel happy with whom we are. It is when we are happy, and open to all possibilities - that we are rewarded

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I dont agree with your statement based on its logical pretense if you are content being single then that means you dont want to be in a relationship and that means that there is no motivation for you to get in one. Now what you are saying is once you have accepted being single a person seems to come along, this simply means that you were looking for a person to be in a relationship with but you didnt find that person. I dont think its as hard of an idea to grasp as you may think a person you are interested in will come along one day and odds are that you will have accepted that you are single.

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You're right day-walker, but you have to realise that people do behave differently when they want people to notice them. They also behave differently when they do not want people to notice them.


When you are not looking for a relationship at a particular time, you dont tend to think before you say or do things. This makes you appear more confident. Your "true" personality thereforeeee shines through. This true personality is going to attract some people and is not going to attract others (thats life). Hence you are broadening your horizons.


When you want to be in an intimate relationship, you look for "one" person who you would like to share your feelings with. You will adjust your behavour accordingly, to suit the preferences of that person you like. By doing this, you are behaving in a way that you are not confident with. thereforeeee you will undoutedly make mistakes, say wrong things and "do" odd things... just becuase you are not experienced in the change of "your" personality.


That is why, by not looking for a relationship, you are being yourself and this makes you more attractive than trying to be "someone else".

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