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Work, School, Life...Phew!

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Hey everyone,


I've got a question for people in their 30s and 40s.


I work full time (typically about 50 hours a week, give or take) as a digital marketing account manager. Starting this fall, I'm returning to school part time (six credits a semester) to complete my degree in Advertising & Public Relations at Penn State (mostly online, but with some tests at proctored centers). In March, my (longtime, live-in) boyfriend and I are going to the U.K. for eleven days just for fun (we're VERY excited).


So I have a lot going on!


My question is this: At the start of 2015, my job started a new initiative of volunteering one night after work as a group, every other month, at a homeless shelter about 45 minutes from where I work and live. We also do quarterly celebratory dinners at very high-end restaurants in downtown Boston (about 45-60 away). And then there are the other random events that come up from time to time (i.e. TWO summer outings).


Once I start school, I'm going to need to reclaim some of that time; I don't want to give up any more of my personal time since work already takes up a lot of my life, and I obviously can't take time from my actual job to focus on school. Is it acceptable to beg off some of these extra-curricular activities? I've been with the company 1.5 years, and I'm very much a team player (there are only nine of us). But something will need to give, and I feel like all this after-work stuff is the least important.

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Absolutely! Any decent employer won't penalize you for being realistic about how you spend your time outside of contracted hours... in fact most will encourage you to take time to have a stable personal life so you can be more mentally, physically, and emotionally healthy to do your job while you're at work!


Good luck and congrats! =]

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Absolutely! Any decent employer won't penalize you for being realistic about how you spend your time outside of contracted hours... in fact most will encourage you to take time to have a stable personal life so you can be more mentally, physically, and emotionally healthy to do your job while you're at work!


Good luck and congrats! =]


Thanks! I think they'll be reasonable about it. I just wanted to be sure that, on my end, it was OK to ask.

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